mickey mouse Archives

Comic Books And The Law – Talking With Michael Lovitz About IP's And SDCC
First, with the different lawsuits that have come up over the years with veteran creators trying to get the rights back to character the created under shaky work-for-hire contracts of the pre-80's… generally speaking, what are the odds of Marvel or DC ending up losing some of the characters that are so closely associated with[...]
Strike Action Threatens Disney Italy Handing Mickey Mouse Over To Panini
Until this week… When the opposite of what was speculated happened. Instead of Disney pulling in the Marvel rights, they have instead given up their publishing rights to Mickey Mouse, handing the long running weekly comic Topolino, starring Mickey Mouse, with over three thousand issues to its name, to Panini. This will also involve twenty-two employees moving[...]
Swipe File: David Aja And Mean Internet People
Such as this V For Mickey Mouse A rather popular one if this level of swiping is indicitive on clothing and stickers… tweeted online.   Thankfully, David Aja was there to cough a couple of times on Twitter and they suddenly disappeared… he tweeted; Great! At last I 've been swiped! http://bit.ly/sJaS7T and http://bit.ly/tg2XiG Thanks @MrGalaxia! Now I[...]
Fantagraphics To Publish Floyd Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse
While Boom! are already collecting some of Floyd Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse comics, Fantagraphics will be going back to the man's original work on the character, the newspaper strip from the thirties Taking over from Walt Disney himself, Gottfredson  reinvented Mickey as an action hero, fist-fighting his way across rough terrain and rough opponents – the[...]
Boom! Studios Solicitations Confirm Disney Titles
It was rumoured in my last Lying In The Gutters column that Boom! had taken the licences from Diamond Distribution-linked publisher Gemstone. They are also continuing the previous series' numbering system and creators with Walt Disney's Comics And Stories at issue #699 by Riccardo Secchi and Stefano Turconi and Mickey Mouse & Friends by Stefano Ambrosio[...]