miracleman Archives

SDCC Marvel Cup O' Joe Panel Report: Lackluster And Boring
Moving onto audience questions: Mark Buckingham and D'Israeli is redrawing and coloring all of the Silver Age of Miracleman, so they are not quite ready to start releasing it yet, but they will return to it when they can release the comic on a good schedule. Favorite part of your job? Alonso says 'being mean to[...]
New Miracleman Is Published Today. Kind Of.
It won every award going, but infighting and lawsuits from Marvel Comics doomed it. That run was reprinted and continued by Eclipse Comics as Miracleman, a company that eventually closed over bankruptcy and lawsuits. The company was bought by Todd McFarlane who began to use the Miracleman character in his comics, until a series of lawsuits between[...]
Axel Alonso Responds On Latest Miracleman Delays
Last week, Bleeding Cool ran the story that the solicited issues of Miracleman: The Silver Age, reprinting and then finishing the second arc from Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham on the Miracleman series, first begun in the late eighties, has been pulled from the schedules. Issues 1,2 and 3 had been solicited for 2016 but the[...]
Marvel Puts Gaiman And Buckingham's Miracleman On Hold… For Now
I noted that the Neil Gaiman/Mark Buckingham remastered reprints and new chapters of their Miracleman run from Marvel Comics were missing from recent Marvel Previews But I put that down to the usual delays that have accompanied this series over the last thirty-five years. I didn't know the half of it. Marvel Comics have told retailers that[...]
The Future Of Miracleman At Marvel Comics – From MCM London Comic Con
At the Diamond Retailer Day at MCM London Expo this weekend, Marvel's Senior VP David Gabriel announced that April would see the the first ever printing of the long lost unpublished Neil Gaiman/Mark Buckingham Miracleman #25 comic, twenty years after it was completed. Then, as expected, Gaiman and Buckingham will finish of the Silver Age story with[...]
Mindless Speculation: What Marvel DIDN'T Announce at NYCC
My first New York Comic Con saw them revealing that they finally had the rights sorted to re-publish Miracleman, which almost made me fall out of my seat I thought that one would be tied up in legal quagmire forever. But I think I found it all the more surprising given the teaser laden postcards sent[...]
The F Word – Paper Girls And Miracleman
Hey GLAAD, I am curious as to when the word ‪#‎faggot‬ will get the same outrage as ‪#‎tranny‬? #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Coincidentally, on the same day, Marvel Comics censored that same word from the early nineties comic by[...]
Don't Call Captain America A Virgin…
Still, looks like it's another reason for the book to be called Captain America: White than something juxtaposed against the current monthly title. Maybe he should have gone to the school in this week's reprint of Miracleman? Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London With a Satanic Mojo signing this Saturday… It was a different time, 1939[...]
Thor's Comic Review Column: Miracleman #1, Hank Johnson: Agent Of Hydra #1, Squadron Sinister #3, Age Of Ultron Vs. Marvel Zombies #4, Hail Hydra! #2, Thors #3
This Week's Reviews: Miracleman #1 Hank Johnson, Agent of Hydra #1 Squadron Sinister #3 Age of Ultron vs Marvel Zombies #4 Hail Hydra! #2 Thors #3 Miracleman by Gaiman and Buckingham #1 By Adam X Smith I have a pretty clear memory of my first encounter with Neil Gaiman's work It was about 12 years ago in sixth form college when I found[...]
A Comic Show – Bombshells And Aliens
And Gaiman and Buckingham's Miracleman starts their Golden Age. DC Bombshells is a must read for anyone that likes the bombshells aesthetic It pitch perfect and executed well If you like these characters, you'll enjoy this book It's just that simple. Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida, writes: Hey Fandom, I'm back with another[...]
Talking Comics – Discussing This Week's Upcoming Titles, Miracleman #1, Plutona #1, Deadpool Vs. Thanos & More
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQy5PCIz8Ds[/youtube] Bleeding Cool welcomes the return of Talking Comics, from Excalibur Comics, Cards, and Games in Shreveport, Louisiana, to discuss this week's upcoming books, speculating about where they are headed, and discuss their favorite storylines. Hosts Randy Young and Chris Hunter say: Thanks for pressing play! This week we get an actual comic that is literally decades in the[...]
Why Si Spurrier's Crossed +100 Is Like Neil Gaiman's Miracleman
I re-read the six issues again last night, surprising myself at what I missed, and gained an even greater respect for the series. And now, just as Marvel are set to reprint the Gaiman/Buckingham Miracleman issues that followed the Moore/Leach/Davis/Austen/Veitch/Totleben story, so Si Spurrier and Fernando Heinz are set to follow a similar path[...]
How The Remastered Miracleman By Gaiman And Buckingham Compares To The Original
Marvel are pushing the relaunch of Miracleman, the Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham run, ahead of the Final Order Cut-off date.  And they have released the following pages of Miracleman By Gaiman & Buckingham #1 So I thought I'd compare them to the printed version of Miracleman #17 when it was published by Eclipse. Let's take a[...]
And Finally… The Seating Choice Of Frank Cho's Miraclewoman
The Frank Cho variant cover for Miracleman #18, by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham and out in September. I suppose once you are a living god, you can sit on the subway how you goddamn please.   The Frank Cho variant cover for Miracleman #18, by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham and out in September. I suppose once[...]
Marvel Liquidates Miracleman #1-10 In All Its Variants
Right now, on eBay, you can find a number of Miracleman variant covers from the Marvel run going from $8 to $80. That won't be the case for much longer. Because Marvel are liquidating a bunch of Miracleman stock to retailers, with issues  to 10, in all variant cover varieties, whether 1:10, 1:25 or 1:50 covers, going[...]
Finally – Jeph Loeb And Tim Sale's Captain America: White #1 Published In September
Another of their "colour" volumes that would include Daredevil Yellow, Spider-Man Blue and Hulk Grey, there were sadly no subsequent issues of the expected six-issue series. Well, at the C2E2 Retailer Breakfast held this morning, and attended by Bleeding Cool's David Swallow and Peter G, we learnt that Marvel have stated the finished book will be published[...]
A New Miracleman #1 For Neil Gaiman And Mark Buckingham's Golden Age
From the inside page of today's Miracleman #16, published by Marvel Comics and reprinting and remastering the original issue by Alan Moore and John Totleben, concluding Moore's run on the character he so effectively revived Rereading it, it is as majestic as I remembered, and with a final moment that effectively (and intentionally) undermines everything[...]
More Marvel Censorship In Miracleman #15
It is Black History Month. Marvel are currently republishing Miracleman, an eighties series definitely of its time But history is being rewritten With the infamously violent Miracleman #15, out today. And it still seems odd that Marvel can publish a Mature Readers comic book featuring extreme images of violence, labelled 'Mature' and sold in a bag and[...]
In One Week, In Two Weeks – Multiversity To Miracleman #15
In one week… the launch of Effigy, Mulitiversity Guidebook, Casanova: Acedia, Dying And The Dead and Uncanny Avengers… Munchkin, Find, King Flash Gordon, King The Phantom and Quantum And Woody Must Die…. And in two weeks, Goon, Rat God, Nameless, Postal, Stray Bullets, Fear Him, Black Vortex Alpha, Ant Man: Prelude, Return of The Living Deadpool and… Miracleman[...]
Yesterday's Miracleman #14 Will Be Withdrawn And Reprinted? (UPDATE – NOPE)
It is one of the true classic scenes from Miracleman Kid Miracleman, breaking out of the children's home, taking vengeance on the kids who bullied his human self. It was swiped for an episode cliffhanger for Being Human. "You were kind to me Everyone in the house wanted me dead except you It's a knotty one." "You are[...]
When Joe Quesada Didn't Follow Grant Morrison's Marvelman's Script
Today's All-New Miracleman Annual, gives us Grant Morrison's short story from 1986 drawn almost thirty years later by Joe Quesada The comic also reprints the original script, which means we get to see any changed One  a matter of style, as the strip is expanded to a few more pages than it would have received[...]
In One Week And Next Year – Those Damn Dirty Trekkies
But the week after? Catch up time as we get launches of Lady Killer, IXth Generaton, Ant-Man, Avengers; No More Bullying, Operation Sin, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Wolverine, Steam Tales and Feathers, DARK HORSE COMICS MASSIVE TP VOL 04 SAHARA $19.99 X TP VOL 04 BETTER OFF DEAD $14.99 DC COMICS BATMAN ETERNAL #39 $2.99 EARTH 2 WORLDS END #13 $2.99 NEW 52 FUTURES END #35 (WEEKLY) $2.99 IDW PUBLISHING STAR TREK[...]
43 Thoughts About 43 Comics – The Walking Dead, Fantastic Four, Justice League, Action Comics, Alex + Ada, Nailbiter, Rat Queens, Peter Panzerfaust, Morning Glories, Batman Eternal, Miracleman, Men Of Wrath, Cerebus, Adventure Time, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Death Of Wolverine, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Guardians 3000, Uncanny Avengers, Lobo, Damnation, Edge Of Spider-Verse, Winter Soldier, Batman/Superman, Gotham Academy, Chaos, Angry Birds, Fiction Squad, Regular Show, X-Files, Kill Shakespeare, Holmes/Houdini, Rogue Trooper, TMNT, Cutter, Witchblade, Vampirella, Suicide Risk, Mercy Thompson, Cloaks, Woods And War Cry
While over in the Justice League Bruce Wayne is sitting down with Lex Luthor with the same aim. Though Lex may have been touched by the innocence of a child as well…   He even seems to be coming round to another secret identity member of the Justice League in Action Comics, even if he doesn't know this[...]
At Last, Here Comes Grant Morrison's Miracleman, With Joe Quesada..
The other is the Miracleman Annual Which will feature that story from thirty years ago by Grant Morrison, drawn by Marvel EIC Joe Quesada, and more stories besides. Vulture reports on how that came about, with Quesada telling them, "Grant said something like, 'I'm sure I have the script somewhere, maybe I'll dig it up and just post[...]
28 Thoughts About 28 Comics – Uncanny X-Men, Kung Fu Bible Classics, Batman Eternal, The Death Of Wolverine, Blood Queen, Dejah Mars, Hawkeye Vs Deadpool, Avengers World, Moon Knight, Southern Bastards, Star-Lord, Miracleman, God Is Dead, Extinction Parade, Uber, Alice Cooper, Chaos, Ex Con, Mars Attacks, Indestructible, My Little Pony, Red Sonja, Rogue Trooper, Turok, Squidder, Twilight Zone, Silent Hill and Angry Birds
hence this scene in The Legendary Star-Lord… A fondly remembered scene from Miracleman So much going on, so much being said, everything there for the reader to see if they wish to. When African and South American gods of a similar appearance decide to work =out which is best, in true Harry Hill style in God Is[...]