orion and the dark Archives

Orion and the Dark
However, Dreamworks is still an incredible animation studio, and while they aren't making their return to the big screen next month, we are getting a new film from them on Netflix called Orion and the Dark Netflix movies have been very up and down in terms of quality, but they seem to have a better[...]
Orion and the Dark
However, we are getting a new film from Dreamworks this February based on a book of the same name. Orion and the Dark is all about conquering one of the most primal fears we humans have: being afraid of the dark And in Orion's case, he gets the physical manifestation of the Dark to come and[...]
New Image From Dreamworks New Netflix Film Orion and the Dark
We first got a look at Orion and the Dark back in June when we got the primary cast and the summary of the film, but for Geeked Week, we got a new image that really shows off just what Dark looks like. Orion and the Dark – Cr: DreamWorks Animation © 2023 The thing about Dark's design[...]