The hit show is on their second season on Cartoon Network, and after the success of prior comics, it was time for something new. From KaBOOM!, written by Nick Cron-DeVico, with art by Meg Omac, Scott Maynard, and Matt Smigel comes Clarence: Quest #1.
Here's what it's all about:
"Beauford the cat has escaped! Sumo, Jeff, and Clarence decide to[...]
Scott Maynard Archives
The list includes: Patrick Crotty, Scott Maynard, Mad Rupert, Derek Fridolfs, Kevin Panetta, Nick Cron-Devico, Tait Howard, Andreas Schuster, and Meg Omac.
While I'm not a huge fan of the style that Clarence is illustrated in, I do enjoy the stories I think that any time a bunch of creative people get together to make something with a[...]
Writers and artists Scott Maynard, Derek Fridolfs, Kelly Turnbull, JJ Harrison, Patrick Crotty and Kevin Panetta join forces to bring us 48 pages of full color and unstoppable optimism Clarence captures our hearts with his kindness, and he will continue to do so with this standalone comic.
Based on the hit Cartoon Network animated series, this[...]