sdcc Archives

Swag! SDCC '15 Edition – Day Two Swag
Joshua Stone sends us the following shots, which required a close-up to capture all the swag details from SDCC: Joshua Stone sends us the following shots, which required a close-up to capture all the swag details from SDCC: Joshua Stone sends us the following shots, which required a close-up to capture all the[...]
SDCC '15: Highlights From Marvel's TV Panel – Lash Joins The Show
Marvel conducted their television panel this afternoon at SDCC and started off by talking about Marvel's Agent Carter The panel was narrated by Jeph Loeb and attended by Hayley Atwell and James D'Arcy Season 2 will start up 6 months after the previous season and Carter and Jarvis are headed to Hollywood D'Arcy wonders if[...]
SDCC '15: Writing Transgender Character
By Joe Glass One of Prism Comics many LGBTQ related panels over the course of SDCC, they ran this year a panel discussing among creators some of things to consider when writing trans characters and their experiences. Moderated by Prism Comics Board Member Tara Madison Avery (Gooch), the panel featured Knave Murdok (Transcat), Ronnie Ritchie (Gqutie), Kat[...]