BC field team correspondent Josh Kopin checks in from the Marvel Shattered Heroes panel at NYCC:
Storm joins The Avengers as part of a larger roster shuffle!
Huge Christos Gage announcement at the xmen panel!
The best thing about Fear Itself, according to Tom Brevoort? It shipped on time!
Fraction on Fear Itself 7.1: "Eulogizing Bucky is clearly Ed's job",[...]
shattered heroes Archives
It's going to happen eventually.
So Marvel have run a teaser for their San Diego Comic Con-announced a new comics project Shattered Heroes set in the aftermath of Fear Itself with a quote from Tom Brevoort and a signal to the #ShatteredHeroes hashtag on Twitter.
So how is that hashtag going anyway?
04nbod: Its not really a teaser if its said about[...]