si spurrier Archives

Crossed: Wish You Were Here… As Long As "Here" Isn't In The Office
Because the actual strip, by Si Spurrier, Javier Barreno and Gary Erskine is full of the kind of things that, if present in a print comic, would have caused the officers of Her Majesty's Customs & Excise to get considerable steamed under the collar Close ups of genitalia in the state of arousal and brought,[...]
Extermination Is Watchmen Meets How I Met Your Mother
Si Spurrier is best known for writing articles for Bleeding Cool But in his spare time he writes for 2000AD, Marvel, Avatar and basically everyone in the world His first Boom! title is about to come out, Extermination with Jeffrey Edwards, and because we're friends, I was able to steal the first issue from his[...]
Who's Who In Crossed: Wish You Were Here
Another Thursday, another weekly chapter of Crossed: Wish You Were Here by Si Spurrier, Javier Barreno and Gary Erskine. Or rather another interlude Slow on the narrative, more notes from The Writer on those sharing the island with him And waiting for their inevitable demise… Not one look at a Crossed But plenty, plenty dread… [...]
REmake/REmodel: The Goddam Couture Batman
Si Spurrier instructs; THE GODDAM COUTURE BATMAN Let's do something pure and redesigny. 2012 Bruce Wayne realises his relentless crusade against the superstitious and cowardly criminal classes has left him totally bankrupt Luckily he's spent 30 years creating outrageously fetishy costumes for his own use, and has hence accidentally become the world's foremost sartorial designer. Once upon a time[...]
Crossed And Weavers, Weavers And Crossed
  We get a new webcomic episode of Crossed: Wish You Were Here by Si Spurrier, Javier Barreno and Gary Erskine today Watch those crows in the bottom left corner, I pegged them right away… Also, in Spurrier-related comicness… "Why Are The Weavers?" Anyone got an idea? Busy boy.   We get a new webcomic episode of Crossed: Wish[...]
Avatar Plug of the Web – Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Chapter 7
Crossed is such extreme horror that sometimes it does nasty things to your eye sockets, but it's not all butchery and bloodlust, as today's latest online chapter in Si Spurrier and Javier Barreno's Crossed: Wish You Were Here webcomic can attest Even under duress, folks can still find humor in life's little absurd moments. Gotta[...]
REmake/REmodel: A Brand New Monster
Si Spurrier's instructions: You know the score, of course In the Byronic tradition: blood-supping aristocratic wronguns, scantily-clad virgins, power-over-mortals, etc Switch in the odd cloud-of-smoke, an occasional kapoosh-now-it's-a-bat, maybe lose the aristocratic bit, add a quiff, give him an iPad, blah blah blah It's still an inefficient leechpredator who creates his own foodchain competition, has a[...]
Avatar Plug Of The Week: Crossed: Wish You Were Here Chapter 6
There's a new Crossed: Wish You Were Here webcomic from Si Spurrier, Javier Barreno and Gary Erskine out right now. You know, around this time last year, I was getting Gary Erskine to draw the royal wedding biography of Prince William It's funny how a year can change things… There's a new Crossed: Wish You Were[...]
Preview: Extermination #1 By Si Spurrier And Jeffrey Edwards
Extermination is the new Boom! Studios comic from Si Spurrier and Jeffrey Edwards About superheroes creating a resistance movement against a successful alien invasion and decimation. Here's a first look about how it's going down. Extermination is the new Boom! Studios comic from Si Spurrier and Jeffrey Edwards About superheroes creating a resistance movement[...]
Si Spurrier's Extermination From Boom In June
I'm not even sure I made that last one up. And then there's Si Spurrier's new comic from Boom! Extermination, amongst the remaining superheroes after a successful alien invasion, trying to mount a strike back – if they can even work out what that would be Here's a little look at the covers to the first[...]
When Si Spurrier Joined The Legions Of The Crossed
As well as Crossed: Badlands from Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows, Crossed: Wish You Were Here, is a free weekly Crossed webcomic also launched, by Si Spurrier, Javier Barreno and Gary Erskine. Well, Si Spurrier popped by Orbital Comics in London yesterday, and found some makeup waiting for him A quick session with an artist later,[...]
REmake/REmodel: Crossed
Quest New R/R thread starts on Sunday! Si Spurrier's new Crossed webcomic went live today... Si's Instructions: I want you to imagine you're stuck in Beverly Hills during the first 48 hours of the Crossed outbreak I want you to draw me the Crossed actor, musician, or worthless celebrity skinwaste of your choice I want to see Charlie[...]
Orbital Comics Goes Crossed For C-Day
Si Spurrier, writer of the Crossed Wish You Were Here webcomic, also launching today, popped by to pose…     And this is my three-year old daughter (four tomorrow) She thought everyone looked very silly. Today, Avatar have launched C-Day at hundreds of comic stores across Northern America and the UK Free Crossed comics, a[...]
The Joy Of Dolphins – Crossed: Wish You Were Here Goes Live
The launch date for Avatar's new twice-monthly Crossed series Badlands, but also the second Avatar webcomic, Crossed: Wish You Were Here, for free, one chapter every week, by Si Spurrier, Javier Barreno and Gary Erskine. Which has just gone live Now, as we know, every new Crossed has to start off with something you may not[...]
"C-Day" Event Contestants – A Global Outbreak of Crossed Parties
Extending beyond print, C-Day also sees the launch of Si Spurrier and Javier Barreno's brand new Crossed weekly webcomic, Wish You Were Here, which can be found at All in all, it's a big day, with hundreds of comic shops worldwide celebrating the launch in a variety of different ways. A few weeks ago, Bleeding[...]
REmake/REmodel: Saturday Morning Eighties Cartoons
Si Spurrier instructions: SAVE US, 80's CARTOONS, YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE It has been noted that today's world has taken a peculiar lurch toward 80sdom Uberconservatism in politics, racism in the news, trouble in the Falklands, riots on the streets, assaults upon the welfare state, godawful haircuts, an overzealous deployment of secondary colours in fashion, yuppiescum wiping[...]
Si Spurrier Makes A Stand For Panel Parity Of Gender. By Standing Down.
Today, at the London Super Comic Convention, on the How To Write A Comic Script panel, Si Spurrier gave up his seat in favour of a female panellist. He did this in support of Paul Cornell's stance that unless there is gender parity on a comic convention panel – fifty percent, or as near as,[...]
REmake/REmodel Captain Future
New picks for the recent Remake/Remodel. Instructions as follows: CAPTAIN FUTURE. This from JESS NEVINS’ Pulp Encyclopaedia: "Captain Future's adventures
Remake/Remodel: Namor The Sub Mariner
Si Spurrier's instructions: We're going to do something a bit different here Rather than taking an idea or golden-age character and reinventing them as a Modern! Day! Super! Hero!, we're going to take an ages-old superhero, throw away 90% of the background, and get Conceptual This is important, pay attention: "Namor the Sub-Mariner: the child of a[...]
REmake/REmodel: Judge Dredd – Guest Starring Al Ewing
Si Spurrier's instructions: "Dredd is an American law enforcement officer in Mega City One: a violent city of the future where uniformed Judges combine the powers of police, judge, jury and executioner Dredd and his fellow Judges are empowered to arrest, sentence and even execute criminals on the spot He was created by writer John Wagner[...]
Remake/Remodel: Lorna Drake
Si Spurrier (who has a new comic out today, The X-Club #1 from Marvel) gave his Remake/Remodel instructions out last week: LORNA DRAKE Bunty was a British comics anthology for girls published by D C Thomson & Co from 1958 to 2001 It consisted of a collection of many small strips, typically the stories themselves being three[...]
Remake/Remodel: Fantomah
Si Spurrier writes; This episode's crop of Remake/Remodel favourites Instructions went as follows: "Fantomah is a mysterious godlike being who protects the jungles of Africa She has vast magical power, to the point of being practically omnipotent, and can transform herself into a frightening blue phantom/skeleton creature as well as a floating skull with blonde hair…[...]
Remake/Remodel: Six Gun Gorilla
Si Spurrier's instructions: Six-Gun Gorilla was the star of several short Wild West stories in Wizard during the late 30's Let's hear from that inestimable Prince of Pulp Jess Nevins for more, as nicked from his forthcoming Encyclopaedia of Pulp Heroes: "Six-Gun Gorilla is O'Neil, a gorilla In Colorado he is sold to Bart Masters, a prospector…[...]
Remake/Remodel: Little Nemo In Slumberland
Si Spurrier's instructions: LITTLE NEMO Little Nemo was quite simply one of the Best Things Ever Quite apart from being an early explorer of the narrative medium, the amount of sheer invention, humour and creepiness pumped into it by Winsor McCay means it's still a rollicking read today And it's fucking beautiful to look at[...]