spicy history stories Archives

Doc Wizard's Lucky Systems (William B. Ziff/Feature Magazine Corp, Fall 1934)
Ziff/Feature Magazine Corp, Fall 1934) Welcome back, and it's time for Spicy History Stories #9, the ninth installment of a regular column about pulp magazine history that we've launched to coincide with Heritage Auction's weekly pulp magazine auctions.  Unlike other auction-centric posts we've done here, this column is not necessarily designed to be closely tied to[...]
10 Story Book vol 3 #10, March 1904. Inset: Green County Harold, 1910.
Inset: Green County Harold, 1910. Welcome back, and it's time for Spicy History Stories #8, the eighth installment of a regular column about pulp magazine history that we've launched to coincide with Heritage Auction's weekly pulp magazine auctions.  Unlike other auction-centric posts we've done here, this column is not necessarily designed to be closely tied to[...]
Louis Eckstein, 1901, from The Reform Advocate.
Heinlein, Agatha Christie, and countless others.  Still regarded as an important pulp series by collectors and historians today, the Blue Book title was launched in 1905 by its publisher in the wake of the earlier success of Red Book.  As we discussed in our previous installment about the Daily Story Publishing Company, Red Book itself had[...]
10 Story Book #11 promotional image (Daily Story Publishing Company, 1902)
Chicago Mail-Order Company even became a footnote to comic book history during the Golden Age.  That journey began with the Daily Story Publishing Company and the literary periodical 10 Story Book.  In later decades, the title became known as part of the spicy pulp category, but it launched with different intentions in mind. 10 Story Book[...]
Spicy Mystery Stories - November 1936 (Culture)
Never, in fact, since the popularity of the Marquis de Sade, has civilization seen such a plethora of Frankensteinian literature as is now circulating in this land of peace and goodwill." Spicy Mystery Stories – November 1936 (Culture) With that rather lurid opening paragraph from the heart of the Shudder Pulp era, it can only be time[...]
Avon Fantasy Reader #15 (Avon, 1952)
Ogilvie & Co., that company began in 1868. Avon Fantasy Reader #15 (Avon, 1952) Welcome to Spicy History Stories #4, the fourth installment of a weekly column about pulp magazine history that we're launching to coincide with the debut of Heritage Auction's weekly pulp magazine auctions.  Unlike other auction-centric posts we've done here, this column is not necessarily[...]
Inset: Erman J. Ridgway, 1910. Background: 1891 Yale Bulldogs football team. Unfortunately, some of these players are unidentified, but based current research, Ridgway is most likely back row center or back row, second from left.
Unfortunately, some of these players are unidentified, but based current research, Ridgway is most likely back row center or back row, second from left. Welcome to Spicy History Stories #3, the third installment of a weekly column about pulp magazine history that we're launching to coincide with the debut of Heritage Auction's weekly pulp magazine auctions.  Unlike[...]
Parisienne (Warner Publishing), Snappy Stories (New Fiction Publishing Co)
Warner's Warner Publications.  Mencken and George Jean Nathan edited Smart Set 1914-1923 and also helped escalate this nascent spicy magazine war, initially by launching Parisienne into this same market space in 1915. Parisienne (Warner Publishing), Snappy Stories (New Fiction Publishing Co) Welcome to Spicy History Stories #2, the second installment of a weekly column about pulp magazine history that we're[...]
William D'Alton Mann and the Town Topics scandal. Shreveport Times, 1928.
Shreveport Times, 1928. Welcome to Spicy History Stories #1, the first installment of a weekly column about pulp magazine history that we're launching to coincide with the debut of Heritage Auction's weekly pulp magazine auctions.  Unlike other auction-centric posts we've done here, this column is not necessarily designed to be closely tied to any particular items[...]