Stone Blade Entertainment Archives

Ascension Legends
Stone Blade Entertainment has released a new set of videos preparing for the release of Ascension Legends, as they teach you how to play the tabletop card game This new expansion will be launched on July 24, giving players a new set of cards to play, but they also come with a number of new[...]
SolForge Fusion Has Officially Be Released
Stone Blade Entertainment announced this week that they are releasing a free demo for the video game version of SolForge Fusion In case you haven't been checking on it, this is the game developed by Justin Gary of the Ascension: Deckbuilding Game and Richard Garfield of Magic: The Gathering fame back in 2016, as they created[...]
SolForge Fusion Has Officially Be Released
Stone Blade Entertainment has finally released SolForge Fusion, the company's first hybrid deck game for both tabletop and mobile If you're not familiar with this one, the game was created by game designers Justin Gary (Ascension Deckbuilding Game) and Richard Garfield (Magic: The Gathering), after having a successful Kickstarter session back in late 2021[...]