Sunny Ozell Archives

Star Trek: Picard: Singer Sunny Ozell Talks Initial Cameo Reluctance
When Star Trek: Picard star Patrick Stewart pitch a cameo for his singer/songwriter wife in Sunny Ozell, she was initially reluctant they both tend to keep work and personal life separate The part in question was tailored for her talents in the episode "Monsters" where she played the lounge singer at a bar When she[...]
star trek
All Rights Reserved. Patrick Stewart's Star Trek: Picard Cameo Surprise The actor revealed on Twitter that we'll see his wife and artist Sunny Ozell appear in the seventh episode "Monsters" in a cameo role along with the clip itself The clip shows Jurati (Alison Pill) entering a bar still in her red dress from the party while[...]
I Bet You Can Read Patrick Stewart's Thoughts Here
Here the man who brought Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Professor Charles Xavier to life, Patrick Stewart, is filmed by his wife Sunny Ozell wearing a singing and dancing elf hat This just shows that Stewart continues to be just awesome doing anything. [youtube][/youtube] Captaining the U.S.S[...]