Namely, the state of studios' expectations and results of mass superhero saturation.
Jodie Foster in the 2013 film, Elysium
"Going to the movies has become like a theme park," Foster said in an interview with the Radio Times which has since gone semi-viral because of her mention of superhero flicks "ruining the viewing habits of the American[...]
superhero Archives
I haven't held an especially negative opinion of Batman in some time; I just didn't like him.
Dark Nights: Metal and the Nightmare-Batmen tie-ins did some of the legwork in my shifting opinion.
I also adore the Batman Arkham game franchise, with the exception of Arkham Origins, which is an absolute trainwreck It did have Deathstroke though
The Falcon and the Patriot learn of Blackheart's involvement in the gang violence they've been trying to stop. Does this still make for a good read?
Bloodshot: Salvation #4 brings the story of the Scarred Man and his younger brother, Danny. We learn of their tormented childhood, but is it a good read?
The Flash comes in to investigate a murder at Iron Heights. A Rogue is dead, and anyone could be a suspect. Is this a compelling mystery?
Action Comics #993 brings you the epic team of Superman and Booster Gold, as Kal-El returns to Krypton to learn the identity of Mr. Oz. Is it a good read?
Deathstroke is at the mercy of his old friend David Isherwood, now going by Dr. Ikon. Defiance are in search of their leader. Is it a good read?
Faith has been called to Wonderland to help save it from the corrupted Alice. Consumerism has driven Alice mad. Is it a good read?
Finally, the CW has dropped the first official trailer for their latest addition to their superhero lineup, Black Lightning As we've previously reported, the series will premiere on January 16th, at the same time that the Flash returns from their own midseason break.
The series stars Cress Williams as former hero turned high school principal, Jefferson Pierce, who gets[...]
Believe it or not, his day only gets worse — and weirder — from there.
Pulp Affliction cover by Francesca Spallato
Pulp Affliction, written by Seth Levins and drawn by Michael Edwards, is a subversive and satirical story about contemporary society, superhero narratives, and life in general.
And it's frigging hilarious.
I've not laughed this hard reading a comic[...]
For the 25th anniversary of Batman: The Animated Series, Warner Bros. held a panel with some of the key people who brought the show to life.
Bleeding Cool contributor Rich Epstein was at NYCC on the hunt for his favorite cosplays of the convention, Bleeding Cool reporters were on the scene over
Join us as our own Kaitlyn Booth liveblogs from the Marvel/Hulu Runaways panel at the New York Comic Con. The panel includes Jeph Loeb, Executive Producer
Shazam! is the next DC movie slated to go into production and it comes with a different type of superhero Shazam, or Captain Marvel, is a kid that becomes an adult superhero when he says the magic word This presents some unique challenges for a filmmaker but director David F Sandberg recently spoke to Collider[...]
Looks like it's time to make a little more room in The Waverider next season... Actress Tala Ashe (ABC's American Odyssey, NBC's Smash) has joined the
Most trademark folk know the strange position that DC Comics and Marvel have found themselves, protecting and defending their joint claim to the trademark for the word "superhero" If you use the name for your business, especially if you try and trademark that word as part of your business, you'll get a letter demanding you[...]
It wasn't long ago that Floriana Lima, who plays Maggie Sawyer on CW's Supergirl, had gotten the bump from a recurring character to a series regular. Now
As blood continues to run in the streets as the networks have been heavy handed with the cancellation-hammer this week, word has finally emerged that NBC has cancelled the freshman superhero series, Powerless The move comes as no surprise after the network pulled the final two episodes from their Thursday night timeslot without rescheduling it back[...]
The image at a quick glance is the rundown of four of the show's leads, but while three of the four characters have their superhero names behind them, the fourth, behind Jessica Jones is the word Jew Or if you want to go for the greater stretch, as you read down from the Daredevil line[...]
We'll run the spectrum from What Evil Creature Are you From the Whiteboard In Cabin In The Woods? to How many questions can you answer from Tolkien's Book of Lost Tales?
Kicking it off today will be our first Quiz, which we wanted to keep to a subject near and dear to our hearts: Superhero TV and[...]
The latest trailer from NBC's upcoming comedy, Powerless, drops a bit more clues around how the characters will be relating to their superhero-filled world around them Con Man's Alan Tudyk plays Van Wayne and is the head of Wayne Security, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wayne Enterprises Yup, you read it right, Wayne; Firefly's Wash is[...]
It looks like there's been a slight change of plans on DC's Cinematic Universe slate of films. Rather than going from Justice League into Justice League 2, Zach Snyder is going to be letting Ben Affleck's solo Batman film cut in line so that he can run off and make The Last Photograph.
All we'd really had in the way of visuals so far around the Noah Hawley (Fargo) helmed Legion was the trailer that had debuted back at the San Diego Comic-Con. Now that's changed, and not only do we have a shiny new trailer from FX, but we also have confirmation of it's premiere date.
Captain America: Civil War is the thirteenth entry into Marvel's Cinematic Universe. As such it comes in with a great deal of on-screen canon behind it,
With a new superhero comic book that might seem a little familiar to the untrained eye, called Axiom But he seems to have someone with him…
And Waid is working with longtime DC Comics artist Ed Benes.
The solicit reads
A genre-breaking superhero story from Mark Waid, the writer of Kingdom Come, with art by fan-favorite artist Ed[...]
is doing all it can to try to outdo Fox when it comes to how fast it can run their primary superhero property down the drain Where it should be geek fans having the eternal debates of who would win in a fight between superheroes, instead it's a conversation of which franchise is trying to[...]
And choosing this comic, even with the movie, rather than the preview of the DC SuperHero Girls graphic novel, a Silver title, which participating stores are not required to order.
DC also made Suicide Squad #1 their customisable comic, which stores can have their name and details physically attached to the comic for giveaway purposes outside the[...]
Excited about it.
— Scott Snyder (@Ssnyder1835) January 4, 2016
The focus is superhero writing – my goal is to help writers in the class shape personal, passionate hero stories Not cookie cutter Excited
— Scott Snyder (@Ssnyder1835) January 4, 2016
I would take a class from you anytime, Ed! :)
— Scott Snyder (@Ssnyder1835) January 4, 2016
Brooklyn is host to a number of comic creators working out of the same studio, Hang Dai, and associated offspring.
It is also where a brand new superhero universe is being born, the New Brooklyn Universe coming in March from LINE Webtoons, who also recently announced their Star Wars comics adaptation.
And it's headed up by Hang[...] can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Superhero Comics Contest Announcement (
Stan Lee wants you to create a new superhero comic for Web Toons… first prize is $30,000 and creative assistance from Lee, second prize is $10,000, with the 3rd and 4th joining them in gaining the opportunity to be a paid, featured Web[...]