TapTap announced today they will be bringing T3 Arena over to Google Play for Android users to jump into this Fall The game has already been doing well for itself on iOS with regular updates and additions, making it one of the more popular titles for 2022 on mobile This latest announcement will help expand[...]
TapTap Archives
Indie developer and publisher TapTap has given T3 Arena a brand new update as they have released Season Two into the game The season is being called Lights On, and with it comes a brand new playable character named Yaa The season also brings with it some important updates for the game, four new maps[...]
Developer and publisher TapTap has released a new update for T3 Arena this week as they have added a new character, among other improvements The game has officially received The Chemist as a new addition to the roster who brings with her a host of options that not everyone may be accustomed to dealing with[...]