Terror Films Archives

Esme, My Love Director Cory Choy Breaks Down Mother-Daughter Thriller
Wolfe spoke to Bleeding Cool about getting involved in the Terror Films project and trying to be resourceful on a tight schedule. Audrey Grace Marshall in "Esme, My Love" (2023) Image courtesy of Terror Films Bleeding Cool: How did you get involved with 'Esme, My Love?' Wolfe: The film's director and writer Cory Choy and I went to[...]
Esme, My Love Director Cory Choy Breaks Down Mother-Daughter Thriller
Taking upon that experience along with his time producing, translated to directing his mother-daughter thriller in Terror Films' Esme, My Love, which follows Hannah (Stacey Weckstein), who notices the symptoms of a terminal and painful illness in her aloof daughter, Esme (Audrey Grace Marshall) She decides to take her on a trip to their abandoned[...]