The Spot is a new psychological drama series starring Kate Winslet from Hulu with writer Ed Solomon, 2oth Television, and A24 You might remember Solomon as the screenwriter behind Men in Black Alas, The Spot probably won't involve UFOs or aliens The setting is a bit more grounded: When a successful surgeon (Winslet) and her schoolteacher[...]
the spot Archives
The Infinity Wars begin when Gamora fights the Infinity Watch and the Avengers on Earth under the guise of Requiem. Is it a good read?
Star-Lord, Groot, and Rocket Raccoon have the Power Stone, Captain Marvel the Reality Stone, Adam Warlock, Drax, and Iron Lad the Soul Gem, Black Widow the Space Stone, Doctor Strange the Time Stone, and Turk, Bullseye, Sandman, Tombstone, Typhoid Mary, and the Spot the Mind Stone Strange fears Thanos' arrival and wants a contingency plan[...]