McFarlane Toys has done rather well with their Walking Dead Construction Sets. Letting you recreate your favourite scenes from the TV show and/or comic
todd mcfarlane Archives
Todd McFarlane has been speaking to GamerFitNation and has said that NetherRealms have the ability to utilize Spawn in the game as they have a short deal on the character He extrapolated:
That means that they have access to be able to use the character in a couple of their games, if they want to[...]
Isn't that nice? Available from Phantom-listed retailers when the series comes out. And a rather wonderful take on this...
With the upcoming Spawn #250 and the Spawn: Resurrection, series creator and Image co-founder Todd McFarlane talked with IGN about the new creative team (Paul Jenkins and JonBoy Meyers), the new direction for Al Simmons / Spawn and his goal for getting to issue #301 He also talks about the possibility of a new Spawn[...]
On his Facebook page Todd McFarlane shared a poster showing the evolution of his character Spawn from his start back in 1992 to now This includes the designs used by Greg Capullo, Angel Medina, Nat Jones, Philip Tan, Brian Haberlin, Mike Mayhew, Whilce Portacio, Szymon Kudranski and JonBoy Meyers There is also a link to[...]
Todd McFarlane had a new series to announce at Image Expo today Savior will kick off in April with the tagline "What if the most dangerous man on Earth was the one trying to do the most good?" The series will be written by Brian Holguin with Todd McFarlane and art by Clayton Crain[...]
Such as the second person to ever have a book out from the publisher.
On Facebook, Todd McFarlane has announced,
You guys have heard me talk a lot about Spawn issue #250 because it's my single BIGGEST issue we've done since the existence of the Spawn title so I'll be giving more details about that at the[...]
They describe the book thus,
Cartoonist Benjamin Marra brilliantly satirizes America's obsession with justice – and disinterest in consequences – via a highly stylized, hyper-masculine style that evokes 1980s independent comics and, to a lesser extent, the blissfully ignorant aesthetics of 1990s Image Comics like Todd McFarlane's Spawn and Rob Liefeld's Youngblood Gushing with violence, sex,[...]
The company Haunt LLC has just filed a trademark registration for the name "Haunt" for use as a comic book.
Their address of the company is 1711 West Greentree Drive, Suite 212 Tempe Arizona 85284, the same address given for the McFarlance Companies, who published the comic Haunt, created by Robert Kirkman and Todd McFarlane.
The comic came to an end two years[...]
And Brian Wood was named as the new writer of Spawn, as Al Simmons returns to the lead on the title.
This was the solicitation test for Spawn Resurrection #1
art / cover A: JONBOY
FEBRUARY 4 / 32 PAGES / FC / T+ / $2.99
The return of[...]
On his Facebook page, Todd McFarlane unveiled the cover for Spawn Resurrection #1 – the issue where Brian Wood and Jonboy Meyers take over the series after the 250th issue special.
This is what Todd had to say with the reveal:
You're the FIRST TO SEE the Spawn Resurrection cover!!!
There's a lot going on in my comic book world![...]
With Brian K Vaughan, Todd McFarlane, Scott Snyder, Emi Lenox, Jeff Lemire and Marjorie Liu making announcements, with surprise guests yet to be announced.
All names mentioned have existing mage comics out – except for Marjorie Lui.
Tickets on sale here for 20 or $50 VIP Bleeing Cool will have folk there reporting back And they're also running[...]
But that is the original artwork to Amazing Spider-Man #1 by Todd McFarlane on the blocks at Heritage Auctions And they esitaimet it could sell for a quarter of a million.
Though oddly the auction house states,
Todd McFarlane's iconic Spider-Man image, featuring the only cover appearance of the web-slinger sporting the black Venom symbiote suit, offered[...]
The Johns/Romita/Janson Superman takes the back of November's Diamond Previews catalogue in full-on explodo mode as Spawn takes the front, with a well
Can you name all the creators you see here?
Wait… one of those guys looks like Todd McFarlane.
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There was a massive Marvel creators signing event yesterday to go along with the 75th Anniversary and[...]
I also shied away from Tundra! Maybe I'm just averse to success!
The partners of Image Comics are Todd McFarlane, Erik Larsen, Jim Valentino and Marc Silvestri, with Robert Kirkman a recent joiner Whilce Portacio stepped down at the beginning, Rob Liefeld was fired/quit and Jim Lee left as he was bought out by DC Comics[...]
And we've been unable to uncover even one of them.
Until now.
We've been told by industry sources that legendary world-respected comics author Grant Morrison, as well as having a project with Boom!, will be announcing his return to a comic he once wrote three issues of, Spawn.
Of late, the comic created by Todd McFarlane has had rather[...]
It's just a question of doing it in a way that my wife still knows what I look like and I'm not hiding in my cave the whole time [laughs].
DD: I'm curious, in terms of your artwork, when you look back at some of the comics you were reading growing up or some of the[...]
Once upon a time, Brian Bendis used to write Todd McFarlane Spawn spinoff comicbooks Then Bendis took the job writing Ultimate Spider-Man and McFarlane dumped him quick.
But a piece of him seemed to stay, no more so than in today's Spawn #245 Where we have dialogue scenes with stat backgrounds and fixed "cameras" around a table.
Here we have the panel with Stan "The Man" Lee (with guest Todd McFarlane), the Batman Reunion Panel with Adam West, Burt Ward and Julie Newmar and the Power Rangers Reunion Panel with David Yost, Austin St John and Walter Jones…
Already given a premium editorial freedom in terms of the grim content of his Spider-Man issues, Todd McFarlane's Spawn wasn't hugely different, but did contain a lurid and pitch-black aesthetic that also owed a bit to Frank Miller and Watchmen While I like to think I was smart enough to avoid some trends, like the[...]
As always if you'd like us to have a copy signed for you send us an email at
Pages from the book at the end of this article. Also, we must thank Daniel Best again for his archivist ways, this time publishing in full for the first time, Neil Gaiman's deposition from 2002 in the case against[...]
The folks over at have done up this cool infographic showing off the history of Spider-Man's costume from its creation, the
Courtesy of Todd McFarlane And A Rabbids Plunger Gun…
Courtesy of Todd McFarlane And A Rabbids Plunger Gun…
Courtesy of Todd McFarlane And A Rabbids Plunger Gun…
Marc Silvestri and Todd McFarlane's variant cover for Skybound's Manifest Destiny.
Author of the UK Comic Book Babylon book (and Bleeding Cool alumni) Tim Pilcher talks Amazing Spider-Man 2 on Business Week.
Shaun Huston asks, what happens to your digital comics when your provider goes away?
Like many of the users I saw on[...]
Marc Silvestri provided the loose pencils and then Todd McFarlane inked the piece McFarlane shared both the pencils and inks along with some commentary on his facebook page:
A few posts back I showed you the start of me inking a rough pencilled cover done by artist ace Marc Silvestri[...]
Once bitten twice shy.
But from the interview with Image Comics founder and creator of Spawn, Todd McFarlane.
"Are there any circumstances that I would draw Spider-Man 'with' not 'for' but 'with' Marvel?" Again, everything's possible And basically I'm saying , "Is it possible that someday I'll wake up and have an itch to do a[...]
Indeed many people just watch it for those (cue Brendon Connelly on the right hand side of Bleeding Cool hunched over his US IP late tonight).
Stan Lee and Todd McFarlane are going to see the game together, as McFarlane releases American Football figures, with Stan supporting the Seahawks.
And Sporting News is happy cover geek references[...]
Written by Robert Kirkman, it featured the Image founder's characters in one comic, and was drawn by them all, Whilce Portacio, Jim Valentino, Marc Silvestri, Rob Liefeld, Erik Larsen and Todd McFarlane, with each artist drawing their characters and Jim Lee drawing covers.
Issue 1 came out in 2009 Issue 2 shortly after, then a[...]
And while it does look at the problems of too-much-too-young, the fights between founders and criticism of the quality of work and professionalism at the beginning, it does miss out a few of the inconvenient truths, the involvement of Malibu Comics in those early days, the role in Image deciding to follow DC Comics and[...]