Wounded Warrior Project Archives

An Informed Story ARC Begins With Venom: Space Knight #3
The information is coming from the Wounded Warrior Project, and writer Robbie Thompson has consulted with WWP spokesperson and double amputee Dan Nevins to create an accurate story. By using Flash Thompson's rehabilitation process, Thompson will show the struggles that wounded veterans face. Robbie talked about his process working with WWP and said: "Working with Wounded Warrior Project[...]
Retro Con 2014: Bleeding Cool Brings You Donuts & Interviews With Multiple Time Traveling Devices
Joe cosplay group The Finest. *Photo stolen from Facebook, mine didn't look great.* Jared Cornelius: What do The Finest do? Scarlett J: We're a G.I.Joe and Cobra costuming club, we appear at conventions, we fundraise for charity, sometimes we do Free Comic Book Day events, but we basically appear at cons in costume.  We were recently in the Dragon* Con parade down in Atlanta, we had a big representation down[...]