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AEW All Out Results – Kenny Omega Abandons Hangman Page After Loss
Bleeding Cool's live coverage of AEW All Out continues, and the PPV itself, after a rocky start, is delivering. The relationship between Kenny Omega and Hangman Page is, arguably, the longest-running storyline in AEW, and that makes this arguably the most anticipated match of the PPV. FTR comes out first, with Tully Blanchard. Hangman Page comes out next. Then Kenny Omega. Justin Roberts does the introduction with everyone in the ring. "I don't care what the graphic says anymore" is Page's new title graphic quote. Heartbreaking!
Last night on WWE Smackdown, we witnessed the breakup of Sasha Banks and Bayley. Could tonight be the night we see Kenny Omega and Hangman Page implode?
AEW All Out Results – FTR vs. Hangman Page and Kenny Omega – Tag Team Championship Match
- Kenny is about to start the match, but Page wants to start instead. Kenny tags him in.
- Page grapples with Cash Wheeler. Wheeler tries to shake his hand. Page assaults him viciously. Dax Harwood tries to stop him and gets beat up. Omega tries to calm him down, and Page nearly punches him.
- Page and Omega stare each other down and FTR attack, but Page and Omega get the upper hand. Omega tags in, and they double-team Wheeler with chops. Page wants a high ten. Omega obliges.
- Page and Omega trade tags and beat up Cash Wheeler for a while.
- Page hits a standing shooting star press. Backstage, Matt Sydal cries into a towel.
- Page ends up messing up, and FTR take control. They work Page over, angering Omega.
- Page takes a major beat down for an extended period—lots of cheap double-teaming and working the ref by FTR.
- Eventually, Page punches out Dax Harwood and gets the tag to Omega. Omega takes on FTR and comes out on top. And I don't mean just briefly. He takes on both members of FTR for a good five minutes.
- But he can't put Cash Wheeler away, and Wheeler tags in Harwood, allowing them to double-team Kenny and get a really close two-count.
- Hangman Page has finally made his way up to the apron. Omega takes out FTR and tags Hangman in.
- Page and Omega hit some double team moves on FTR. Things are going in the champs' favor. It feels like the other shoe will drop any second.
- They set up for Last Call on Wheeler, but Harwood grabs Omega's leg, and Wheeler knocks Page to the floor.
- Now FTR pull some cheap shots on Omega, with a little ref distraction. They hit a superlex into a frogsplash that nearly puts Omega away.
- It's Wheeler and Omega in the ring, both men down. Wheeler calls for Harwood for Goodnight Express, but Page interferes.
- All four men fight in the ring, trading moves. Omega comes out on top and gets a two-count on Wheeler with Tiger Driver '98. He hits V-Trigger and goes for One-Winged Angel, but Wheeler escapes and Harwood tags in.
- Kenny misses a V-Trigger and hits the turnbuckle with his knee. FTR go right after the knee.
- Harwood locks on a leg submission, but Kenny makes the ropes. Harwood continues to work on Omega's knee.
- Kenny tries to consult with Page outside, but the ref makes Page return to his corner. Harwood slams Kenny's knee on the ring post.
- Kenny finally makes a comeback, hitting snapdragons on Harwood and Wheeler, but he doesn't make the tag. Harwood goes for a leg submission, and Kenny kicks him off, but Harwood slams into Page and knocks him to the floor.
- Harwood pulls Omega away from his corner but misses a splash in another corner.
- Kenny makes the hot tag to Page as Harwood tags in Wheeler.
- Hangman takes on FTR. Both end up dumped outside, and Page goes up top for a moonsault, but Blanchard pulls his team away. But Page just turns around and hits a flip in the other direction.
- But Page's run doesn't last long. FTR regain control and hit double diving headbutts on him.
- Omega and Harwood brawl on the apron while Wheeler and Page lay around in the ring.
- Wheeler runs out and gets Kenny on his shoulders, and Harwood hits a bulldog on Kenny off the apron. They hit the same bulldog on Page in the ring for a two-count.
- On another double-team attempt, Omega interferes, and Page dumps Harwood to the floor. Page gets an… avalanche fallaway slam? But he rolls over into a pin. Wheeler kicks out.
- Omega holds Wheeler for Page to hit the Buckshot Lariat, but Wheeler ducks. So does Omega. Page holds Wheeler for a V-Trigger, and Wheeler ducks again, but this time Page gets hit.
- FTR hits the spike piledriver on Page, but Page kicks out. So they hit a second, and Hardwood stops Omega from interfering. Wheeler pins Page. They're the new champs!
Man, what a match. Omega and Page fought hard, and it didn't feel like either one specifically screwed anything up, but they just didn't have the magic tonight at All Out, the consequence of the long term erosion of their team. Tully Blanchard celebrates with FTR in the ring. They leave a beer next to Hangman. Omega crawls into the ring and grabs a small, chair-sized folding table, which he uses to chase off FTR. But then he holds onto it. The tension is palpable here. Will Omega hit Page with the table? Nope. He tosses it away. Page goes in for a hug, but Kenny moves out of the way and lets him fall face-first on the mat. He kicks the open beer out of the ring (and it splashes all over the camera — oops!).
Omega walks away, leaving Page in the ring. He finds the Young Bucks backstage and tells them he's done, and they're leaving. They walk out to the parking lot with him, trying to talk him down. He demands they get in the car with him. They refuse. Kenny drives off. Hangman Page is alone. Kenny Omega is alone. So much drama at All Out tonight! And there's still two matches left to go as Bleeding Cool's live PPV coverage continues. Mimosa Mayhem is next.