Posted in: CBS, streaming, TV | Tagged: big brother, cbs, paramount plus, reality tv, recap, season 23
Big Brother Season 23 E28 Recap: Double Evictions Mean Pure Chaos
We're now up to the twenty-eighth episode of CBS' Big Brother Season 23 and spoilers are plentiful & heading your way…so turn back now if you don't want surprises and instead read my past article on how a micro-cocktail Veto competition switched up nominations this season on Big Brother. The Veto ceremony after a tedious and tiny competition, saw Alyssa remove herself from the block and Claire put in her place after an important conversation took place in Tiffany's HOH room. The Cookout alliance, specifically Xavier continued to complain about Tiffany even when she went with the plan.
Double eviction was a clear theme headed towards the houseguests in this live episode and Claire faced an uphill battle if she was to stay in the Big Brother house. The strategy shifted as members of the Cookout found themselves looking at who amongst them they would want out first. The worry for this alliance was Alyssa's safety if she won the next HOH title. The first eviction of the evening came quickly, the speeches were made by Claire and Xavier to sway their fellow houseguests, and then came the voting. Alyssa went first and voted to evict Claire. Next was Hannah who voted to evict Xavier, aiming to place Kyland's prints on the vote. Derek F voted to evict Claire. Azah voted to evict Claire. And finally, Kyland voted to evict Claire. It became official, the first person to be evicted in the evening became Claire. Her exit interview became a really important point, declaring the gravity of having people of color make it to the end and win this game.
A new Head of Household was to be declared next with a very colorful and comic-like stylized game in the Big Brother backyard. Contestants were shown common comic book words like "BOOM!" or "WOW!" mixed in lines across an image and asked questions about the image. With the choices of blocks of those words, the contestants who chose the right answer obtained a point. The person who ended up with the most points in the end and who won the next HOH title became Hannah. In an insane amount of time, Hannah discussed things with people in private and her two nominations ended up becoming Xavier and Alyssa. Before much else could be done, the power of Veto competition flew in with another comic-related theme in it as well. In the game, houseguests (all except for Kyland), were tasked with putting together a block puzzle that would display a logo in the comic theme. Many were quick to get started but one finished first and that was Xavier.
In the Veto ceremony, the power was used by Xavier to take himself off the block and Hannah replaced him with Kyland. The second live vote/eviction took place right after the Veto ceremony. First to vote was Azah who voted to evict Alyssa. Next was Tiffany, who voted to evict Alyssa. Xavier voted to evict Kyland. Derek F voted to evict Alyssa. The next person to leave the Big Brother house became Alyssa. With that eviction, the Cookout alliance made history in the game being a final six made up entirely of people of color. The game strategy is set to change now that only the Cookout is left in the house with the HOH title up & ready to be taken on Sunday at 8 PM EST on CBS.