Posted in: Black Lightning, CW, Trailer, TV | Tagged: Angelitos Negros, black lightning, bleeding cool, Brandon Flynn, cable, comic books, Comics, cw, dc, dc comics, episode 10, garfield, Jefferson Pierce, khalil, lynn, season 2, streaming, teaser, television, Tobias, trailer, tv
Black Lightning Season 2, Episode 10 'Angelitos Negros': Family is Everything (TRAILER)
"Now it begins."
Truer words could never be spoken, as the CW's Black Lightning comes storming back for the second-half of its sophomore season, this time on a new night: Monday, January 21. As the war for Garfield rages throughout his streets, Jefferson Pierce aka Black Lightning (Cress Williams) has a reminder for those who think they've gotten the best of "Team Lightning": Family is everything.
Black Lightning s02e10 'The Book of Rebellion: Chapter Three: Angelitos Negros': PLANS – Still on the run, Jennifer (China Anne McClain) and Khalil (Jordan Calloway) succumb to their feelings for one another and begin planning their future together. Meanwhile, Jefferson (Cress Williams) approaches Henderson (Damon Gupton) with a favor.
Nafessa Williams, Marvin Jones III and James Remar also star. Benny Nzingha Stewart directed the episode written by Jan Nash & J. Allen Brown
(For the non-bilingual out there, "Angelitos Negros" means "Black Angels," likely refering to the Pierce family, who are so prominently featured taking the fight to the "big bads" haunting Garfield.)
"The Book of Rebellion" continues, and the rebellion seems to focus on the Romeo & Juliet-type tragic romance between Khalil and Jennifer and their attempt to run away from Garland. Of course, it's not that easy when you have both Tobias Whale and Black Lightning chasing you–as we see Tobias doing some sort of demolition with a sledgehammer.
I wonder if he's looking for buried secrets or just intimidating someone in their home by remodeling?
I think the thing I like most from this trailer is seeing Lynn (Christine Stewart) imploring to her wayward daughter, "We're not a family without you." Their family will have to come together and tighten up if they hope to stand up to what is coming–especially since Tobias seems to have figured out the connection between Black Lightning and Jefferson Pierce. No one is safe.
Here's hoping we can bring those "rebellious teens" back into the family fold when Black Lightning returns to the CW on its new night (following Arrow), beginning Monday, January 21st.