Crisis On Earth-X: Why Joe Quesada Will Be Watching The DCTV Crossover
DC Universe Archives
Crisis On Earth-X: Stephen Amell Says Prometheus Pay Of Is Worth It
Crisis On Earth-X: Mick Rory Has A Crush On Another Arrowverse Character
Harley Quinn animated series, another clip from Syfy's upcoming series Happy!, MST3K Season 2, and more from the realm of television this past week!
The CW has released a new Arrow trailer focused on getting fans to catch up on the new season before next week's crossover event.
The CW has released a new Legends of Tomorrow trailer focused on getting fans to catch up on the new season before next week's crossover event.
The CW has released a new Flash trailer focused on getting fans to catch up on the new season before next week's crossover event.
The CW has released a new Supergirl trailer focused on getting fans to catch up on the new season before next week's crossover event.
An actor who played a mid-'80s superhero is set to cameo in the Arrowverse crossover event Crisis on Earth-X starting on Monday.
The title for the twelfth episode of The Flash Season 4 has been revealed, and it contains a reference to a late 1980s film.
A look inside the Thanksgiving-themed Arrow episode that gave us a clue to what Cayden James is doing and watched Oliver's world get worse.
Joe West is not only the heart of the series as he watches his children deal with unimaginably powerful things, but he’s also the realist.
Mick Rory may just be the bravest and most pig-headed person on the Waverider — and we’re all the more thankful that he’s there.
Even though Arrow's Quentin Lance hasn't had the easiest life, he's maintained his conviction through the hard times and come shining through.
When word came that Supergirl had cast Jeremy Jordan as Winn Schott, comic fans knew that he was going to be a bad guy — or so they thought.
If you'd have told me during Gotham Season 1 that Butch Gilzean was going to be one of the best characters on the series, I probably would've laughed.
Even with the holiday, Arrow is new tonight with an important episode as Oliver Queen is arrested by the FBI for being the Green Arrow.
Crisis on Earth-X crossover event starts with back-to-back episodes of Supergirl and Arrow at 8 p.m. ET on Monday, November 27th.
The Legends find a few peculiar things in Welcome to the Jungle, including a Flash villain, a team member's family, and a President of the United States.
The Flash episode, Therefore I Am, takes a deep dive into the origin of Clifford DeVoe aka The Thinker and we see a different side of Barry Allen.
A new poster for Crisis on Earth-X, the Arrowverse 4-series crossover event, shows that the bad guys have two more on their side.
The showdown between Captain Jim Gordon and Professor Pyg finally happens in what might be the creepiest episode of Gotham yet.
In a clip from tonight's episode of The Flash Season 4, 'Therefore I Am', Barry Allen confronts Clifford DeVoe to see if he is a metahuman.
In a new clip from Legends of Tomorrow, the team heads into the jungle of Vietnam to discover what might be the most dangerous anachronism yet.
The Supergirl season three episode 'Wake Up' was filled with reveals and set off new storylines that will fill the rest of the season.
CW Releases First Full Trailer For Crisis On Earth-X, The Arrowverse Crossover Event
Kara, Winn, and J'onn J'onzz explore the alien ship and find pods with humanoids inside of them in this clip from tonight's Supergirl.
In a clip from tonight's Supergirl, J'onn J'onzz takes a break from the DEO to show his father, M'yrnn, a place he might visit during the day.
Sam (Odette Annable) visits with her adopted mother (Betty Buckley) in search for answers on tonight's episode of Supergirl.
Supergirl's Lena Luthor and James Olsen may be working together at CatCo, but there will remain a distrust between the two.