Posted in: Arrow, Batwoman, Black Lightning, CW, Preview, Trailer, TV | Tagged: a head of her time, arrow, batwoman, black lightning, bleeding cool, cable, comic books, Comics, dc, dc comics, DC's Legends Of Tomorrow, Episode 4, Legends of Tomorrow, preview, season 5, streaming, supergirl, teaser, television, The Flash, trailer, tv
"DC's Legends of Tomorrow" Season 5 "A Head of Her Time": Guessing the Cake Will Be Good, At Least [PREVIEW]
There is a lot going on this week on The CW's DC's Legends of Tomorrow – as the following promo and preview images for "A Head of Her Time" show. After last week's "John Hughes to John Carpenter" outing (damn, we loved that line), you'd think there would be a second for a breather – but no!
These are the "Legends", people! Plus, it's only the fourth episode of the season so they need to accrue some "personal time" – otherwise, they don't get paid for the day off. But we digress…
So with Sara (Caity Lotz) away on other matters, the rest of the "Legends" will play – at taking down their next Encore: Marie Antionette. As for Constantine (Matt Ryan), well it looks like he's finally going to be able to clear up some past business – assuming something goes easy for John for the first time in his life (though they're not playing that storyline up as much in the released images… hmmm… concerned about spoilers?)…
"DC's Legends of Tomorrow" season 5, episode 4 "A Head of Her Time": WHEN THE CAPTAIN'S AWAY – When Sara (Caity Lotz) is called away on business, she leaves Ava (Jes Macallan) in charge and Ava tries to impress the team as they try to take on their latest Encore, Marie Antionette. With Zari (Tala Ashe) still on the ship, Behrad (guest star Shayan Sobhian) convinces the team to bring her along on the mission which they all hope isn't a mistake. Meanwhile, Constantine (Matt Ryan) finally confronts someone from his past with the help of Charlie (Maisie Richardson-Sellers), which leads him on a journey through his past. Brandon Routh, Dominic Purcell, Nick Zano, Courtney Ford and Olivia Swann also star. Avi Youabian directed the episode, written by Morgan Faust.