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Disney Shareholders End MAGA Effort to Break from LGBTQ Rights Group

Disney shareholders rejected a MAGA-fueled effort to sever "The Mouse's" ties to an organization that promotes LGBTQ workplace equality.

To be fair, Disney isn't the only company that's been rolling back its diversity and inclusion practices since POtuS Elon Musk, Vice-POtuS Donald Trump, and Vice-Vice-POtuS JD Vance moved into The White House – there have been more than a fair share of folks more than willing trade in their spines to be able to make nice-nice with the Mar-a-Lago clan. So we can't tell if this is actually good news or if the bar has been set so low that even doing something that should be a no-brainer becomes something worthy of parade. However you want to categorize it, The Walt Disney Company shareholders sent a very clear message to Trump and his "MAGA-teers" via the alleged "think tank" National Center for Public Policy Research by brutally rejecting the NCPPR's Free Enterprise Project.

Image: FOX TV; Disney YouTube

Here's what went down. The NCPPR (PGANBCKGBWKRP in Cincinnati) submitted a proposal to be voted on during Disney's shareholders' meeting on Thursday. It was about "The Mouse's" involvement in the Human Rights Campaign's (HRC) annual Corporate Equality Index (CEI) – wanna guess if the NCPPR was in favor of it? Of course, they weren't! To them, receiving a perfect score when it comes to "corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQIA+ workplace equality" is a bad thing. Why? As they noted in their proposal, the only way for Disney to attain such a score would be by "abiding by its partisan, divisive, and increasingly radical criteria." In other words, the NCPPR would like Disney to function in some alt-reality where white people didn't spend generations oppressing and killing anyone who didn't look or act like they did.

Again, you would think rejecting such a measure would be a no-brainer – and it should be a no-brainer. But when you have third-rate wannabe dictators stinking of The Oval Office and threatening to sick the federal government on anyone it doesn't like, there's no such thing as "no-brainers" and "givens" anymore. So maybe we will take a second to congratulate Disney's shareholders for completely, totally, and utterly rejecting the NCPPR steaming pile of hate. We're talking only 1% of the shares that voted voting in favor of the proposal. To put that into perspective? That's only 1% more than what I got – and I didn't have a proposal – and I'm not even a Disney shareholder. Of course, this was just one battle in a war that Trump has declared on diversity and inclusion – but sometimes, we need to pause to accept the "little wins" whenever they do happen.

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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