Posted in: DC Universe, TV | Tagged: cw, Devon Graye, elongated man, entertainment, flash, television, Tickster
Flash Season 4: What Villain is Coming Back to Central City?
With the Flash coming back on January 16th and jumping right into the Trial of the Flash story, one of the big questions is how long will Barry (Grant Gustin) be on trial? It could simply be dealt with the same way they did Flashpoint, have it in one episode and then the fallout going forward. I didn't think that was the case when they cast Mark Valley to play District Attorney Anton Slate. Valley, formerly of the Human Target, isn't someone you bring in for a single episode. Now the network has released the synopsis for the episode after and we can confirm that the trial continues.
The Elongated Knight Rises (January 23rd): THE RISE OF A HERO – When a familiar villain returns to terrorize Central City, Ralph (guest star Hartley Sawyer) must rise up to defend the innocent while Barry (Grant Gustin) is detained by his trial. Meanwhile, Barry searches for strength to keep his optimism alive in the face of his new circumstances. Alexandra Ls Roche directed the episode written by Sterling Gates & Thomas Pound.
It was obvious from the title that this was going to be a Ralph Dibny focused episode, but this might be his coming out party of sorts and maybe by the end of it Cisco (Carlos Valdes) will give him his name and a better outfit than the gray suit. But now we know that Barry is still on trial and if he's searching for strength, thins probably aren't going well in the previous episode.
As for the familiar villain, it's likely there talking about the Trickster. But no the Mark Hamill one that has appeared multiple times in the series, but his son who appeared only in season one. Devon Graye, who played Axel Walker in the 17th episode of season one, had been sighted on set around the time this episode would've been filmed. The chances of Hamill making an appearance would be slim as this was filmed around the time of the press tour for Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Hamill had something to do with that film I hear.