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Howard Stern Has "No Respect" for "Stupid" Donald Trump Voters

Howard Stern made it clear what he thinks about Donald Trump and his followers - with Trump resorting to the old "woke" playbook in response.

"This whole idea of 'you like me, you are good, and if you don't, you are bad…' I've been the victim of this. I don't agree with [Donald] Trump politically; I don't think he should be anywhere near the White House. I don't hate the guy. I hate the people who vote for him. I think they're stupid. I do. I'll be honest with you; I have no respect for you." And with that, SiriusXM radio host Howard Stern made it crystal clear on his show this week what he thought of Donald Trump and his followers. Though the growing animosity between them is nothing new (more on that in a minute), Stern raised the bar by focusing on those who worship Trump blindly while accusing Stern of being "woke," noting that he's fine with losing "half my listeners" and the "hate mail" he's sure to receive for pushing back on Trumpers.

Of course, Trump ran to the most magical place in the world to him – FOX "News." Checking in with the alleged news network's late-night answer to the question, "What would late-night be like if it was hosted by someone with 'creepy, angry uncle' vibes?" – otherwise known as Greg Gutfeld's Gutfeld! (you just know the idea for the exclamation mark was Greg's, right?) – Trump proved that he was concerned about the comedic environment by pretty much recycling his response from over a year ago. "I was on Howard Stern's show as much as anybody. He was great at that time, and then he went woke. And since he's gone 'woke,' his ratings have gone down the tubes. And he sort of went anti-Trump for a couple of reasons," Trump was able to get across.

Howard Stern
Image: SiriusXM Screencap; FOX TV

It was back in back in September 2023 when Stern made it clear that he didn't find being called "woke" an insult – just the opposite. "I am woke, motherf***er, and I love it!" declared Stern in response to a fan criticizing the radio host on YouTube. "By the way, I kind of take that as a compliment that I'm woke. If woke means I can't get behind Trump, which is what I think it means, or that I support people who want to be transgender, or I'm for the vaccine, dude, call me woke as you f***ing want," he added.

Well, Trump didn't exactly appreciate what Stern had to say – taking to his version of social media to respond back. "The real Howard Stern is a weak, pathetic, and disloyal guy, who lost his friends and MUCH of his audience. I did his show many times in the good old days, and then he went woke, and nobody cares about him any longer." Trump added that the radio host's "influence is gone, and without that, he's got NOTHING" – attempting to write him off as "just a broken weirdo, unattractive both inside and out, trying like hell to be relevant."

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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