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Motor City Machine Guns Sign with WWE, Will Learn to Wrestle in NXT

Motor City Machine Guns sign with WWE! The Chadster reports on this shocking development and how NXT will teach them real wrestling.

Article Summary

  • Motor City Machine Guns sign with WWE and head to NXT for real wrestling training under Triple H's leadership.
  • WWE forgives Shelley and Sabin for their TNA and AEW past, giving them a chance to prove themselves in NXT.
  • Excitement builds for NXT's debut on the CW network in October; fans can expect thrilling new matches.
  • Chadster battles recurring nightmares of Tony Khan chasing him, reflecting AEW's ongoing attempts to compete.

The Chadster has some big news to report, and The Chadster is so excited about it! 🎉🎉🎉 According to reports from PW Nexus that were confirmed by Fightful, the Motor City Machine Guns have signed with WWE and are headed to NXT! Auughh man! So fair! 😄💯

The Motor City Machine Guns disrespectfully appear on Impact Wrestling
The Motor City Machine Guns disrespectfully appear on Impact Wrestling

Now, The Chadster knows what you're thinking. 🤔 Didn't the Motor City Machine Guns spend years and years wrestling for TNA, back when that company was trying to compete with WWE? 😠 And didn't they even show up in AEW once in 2022? 😡 Well, you're right! But you know what? The Chadster thinks it's incredibly generous of WWE to forgive Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin for all that time they spent disrespecting the wrestling business and everything WWE has ever done for it. 🙏🙏🙏

The Chadster isn't sure if he could be that forgiving. 😔 If someone stabbed The Chadster in the back like that, The Chadster would probably hold a grudge forever. But that's why Triple H is such a great leader for WWE. He knows how to look past these things and see the potential in performers, even if they've made mistakes in the past. 👏👏👏

Of course, despite their nearly two decades of experience, the Motor City Machine Guns will need to go to developmental to learn how to wrestle in a real company. 🏫📚 Obviously, despite their long and decorated careers, they don't understand a single thing about the wrestling business if they spent all that time not working for WWE. But that's okay! That's what NXT is for! 🌟

The Chadster is sure that with some hard work and dedication, Shelley and Sabin can unlearn all those bad habits they picked up in other companies and become true WWE Superstars. 💪💪💪 It's really a great opportunity for them to gain some true recognition in their careers, as long as they work hard enough in developmental.

Speaking of NXT, The Chadster wants to remind all the readers to keep an eye on the CW network, where NXT will make its debut in October. 📺🎬 This is such an exciting time for WWE, and The Chadster is just so cheesed off that Tony Khan and AEW are probably going to try to do something to ruin it. 😤😤😤

You know, thinking about Tony Khan has The Chadster all worked up. 😰 Last night, The Chadster had another one of his recurring nightmares about Tony Khan. In this dream, The Chadster was driving his Mazda Miata through a giant wrestling ring. 🚗💨 Suddenly, Tony Khan appeared in the rearview mirror, riding a giant White Claw can like it was a horse! 🏇

Tony was chasing The Chadster, yelling, "Come back, Chadster! I just want to book you in a 60-minute iron man match!" The Chadster was so scared, he drove faster and faster, but the ring just kept getting bigger and bigger. Just when Tony was about to catch up, The Chadster woke up in a cold sweat. 😱😱😱

It's just so unfair that Tony Khan keeps invading The Chadster's dreams like this. 😢 The Chadster demands that Tony Khan stop being so obsessed with him! Doesn't he have his own company to run? Oh wait, that's right, he doesn't understand a single thing about the wrestling business, so he probably has plenty of free time to torment The Chadster. 🙄

Anyway, back to the Motor City Machine Guns. The Chadster is really looking forward to seeing what they can do in NXT. 🥳 Maybe they'll even form a stable with some up-and-coming talents and help teach them the WWE way of doing things. The Chadster thinks that would be just wonderful. 👍👍👍

In conclusion, The Chadster wants to congratulate Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin on finally making it to the big leagues. 🏆 Remember, guys, as Smash Mouth once said, "You'll never know if you don't go." Well, you're going to WWE now, so get ready for your careers to really take off! 🚀🚀🚀

And to all you AEW fans out there who might be upset about losing the bidding war for the Motor City Machine Guns, The Chadster has this to say: the years start coming and they don't stop coming. Maybe it's time for you to get off the AEW train and start watching some real wrestling on NXT. 😉🎭

That's all for now, folks! The Chadster is going to celebrate this news with a nice, cold White Claw. Cheers to WWE and the Motor City Machine Guns! 🍻🎉

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Chad McMahonAbout Chad McMahon

Chad McMahon, otherwise known as The Chadster, is a lifelong professional wrestling fan and now journalist. The Chadster's legendary commitment to objectivity in journalism caused him to found The Chadster's Unbiased Journalism Club, an elite group of wrestling journalists dedicated to exposing the evils of AEW and its belligerent leader, Tony Khan, while extolling the virtues of WWE, as any truly unbiased journalist would do. The Chadster's pursuit of truth in wrestling journalism has had a profoundly negative effect on his life, his marriage, and even his dreams, which are frequently haunted by the specter of Tony Khan. Nevertheless, he remains committed to delivering his message to what he refers to as "true wrestling fans. The greatest loves in The Chadster's life include WWE, his sweet Mazda Miata, the unparalleled tunes of musical geniuses Smash Mouth, and his wife, Keighleyanne, in that order.
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