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My Hero Academia Season 7 E16 "The Chain Thus Far": Heroic Redemption
My Hero Academia Season 7 Ep. 16, "The Chain Thus Far," was a fantastic episode that left us with a knot in our throats, choking back tears.
Crunchyroll's My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 16: "The Chain Thus Far" was a fantastic episode that left us with a knot in our throats, choking back tears. We see the power Deku's words have had on Villains, enough to turn them around in hopes of a second chance at doing things right. This season has done a fantastic job with its pacing and making each episode count.
Well, it turns out things are getting very bad very quickly. Now, it's just a matter of surviving and keeping All For One, Dabi, and Toga at bay and away from Deku while he fights Shigaraki. Now Ochaco and Froppy managed to chase Toga into the arena where Endeavor and Hawks are fighting AFO and Dabi. If at any point we thought before things could not get worse, this episode was a reminder that things can, indeed, get worse. I love how AFO thinks he can take advantage of the situation and fly away only to be stopped by Hawks… or Hawks, working overtime trying to keep AFO in place while trying to drill some sense into Endeavor to stop Dabi while also being hunted by Toga- slash-Twice. It has definitely become a crap show.
While all of this is going on we see a murder of Twice flock over Aizawa and Monoma, bringing Hero to the Coffin in the sky. Both Deku and Shigaraki are trying to regain their composure. It seems the battle within Shigaraki for his body is getting more and more rattling for him. The swarm of Twice falls over Aizawa and Monoma, automatically nullifying the effects of Erasure. I am not going to lie; I had never seen Aizawa look terrified, and I did not like it one bit. However, the Coffin in the sky loses height quickly after Skeptic hacks into the system. Things are not looking good for our heroes right now.
Though thankfully, a very unexpected player joins the battle: La Brava. She manages to stop Skeptic on his track and turn the tables on him. Funny that he thinks he can get away as there are already pro heroes waiting for him. Someone else also comes to help, Gentle. He manages to stop UA from falling on a more effective manner than Gerard Butler would and i nearly choked up when Deku immediately remembered Gentle. Especially as we see what has transpired for Gentle and his wish to actually do better. Ah, I love them both, and I am so happy we are getting to see them again.
As One For All vestiges keep pushing Deku to move before Shigaraki does, we see Deku is still not there yet, and for a second, a shred of hopelessness overcame me. However, we see that another surprising guest joins in. Suddenly, this purple-haired bullet rips Shigaraki's hand, buying yet more time for Deku. Lady Nagant. Yet another onion-chopping moment that just reignited my hope. They got this, right? I am so happy to see Deku reaping the benefits of those whose lives he has changed.