Posted in: Adult Swim, Review, Rick and Morty, TV | Tagged: Adult Swim, dan harmon, Justin Roiland, Review, rick and morty, Season 6
Rick and Morty S06E04 "Night Family" Fabsolutely Abulous: Review/Recap
Welcome to our weekly real-time recap/review of the sixth season of Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland's Rick and Morty. This time around, we have S06E04 "Night Family," and from what we've seen so far? Rick has gotten his hands on a device that created a "night" version of himself that learns & does things while he's sleeping (in this case, working on his abs). Initially resisting (we think?), Rick eventually gets the family involved. And from there, we go from learning to play the trumpet, learning to speak Spanish, building up killer abs & being pen-pals with a "night self" to an all-out war between "day" and "night" that's ignited over… dishes not being rinsed? Yup, and prepare to appreciate Spencer Grammer's vocal acting skills on a whole new level (and get used to getting creeped out by "Night Summer") in an episode that offered lessons in communication, respect, and the importance of compromise. And then runs it through a "summer action movie" blender. But before jumping into our real-time thoughts and observations, we're throwing on the "MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!" sign and throwing down an image spoiler buffer… so tread carefully and we'll see you on the other side.
"Rick and Morty" Season 6 Episode 4 "Night Family" Real-Time Thoughts & Observations
Pre-Show Thought: Spencer Grammer on Instagram Stories promoting tonight's episode as one of her favorites and how she could present a different side to Summer sold me on the episode even more than I was sold before.
Starting off with T.S. Eliot… and the "hoo-ha's"… hmmm…
I love the pointlessness of a sheep-counting app.
Damn, the pancakes on this show always look good… and really, what could go wrong with a "night person"?
This is going to become so much more that just trumpets, abs, and learning Spanish…
"Fabsolutely Abulous!" Yup, Rick and Morty have a podcast, while Jerry is pen pals with his. Of course…
Holy crap. That got real dark… real quick.
So wait a minute… Jerry has become the "union spokesperson" for the "night family"… interesting…
Also not surprising that Rick would rather go out of his way to create unbreakable dishes that give the "night family" what they want.
Soooo… "Night Summer" is waging war with Rick as the part of Summer that wants full control. And "Night Summer" is in control. So summer has to go undercover with Dew-Quil (Mountain Dew & NyQuil) to infiltrate the "night family"… and it doesn't work. Wow… "Night Summer" is definitely not to be fucked with.
Serious props to Grammer for living up to her tease/promise because this Summer ranks up there with Death Crystal Morty on the "creepy as fuck" scale. Grammer's vocal shifts are impressive and show a range that I hope we see/hear more of in the future.
The continued slight thawing in the Rick/Jerry dynamic is also an interesting one, as Jerry is more the "good/oaf" of the group than just the raging asshole he's been over the past several seasons.
Noticing an interesting comparison between "night family" and the "toxic selves" we were introduced to seasons back.
Holy crap… Jerry with the save?!? Something to be said for decent, direct communication and respect, I guess.
"Stop, or I'll shoot everyone!" Cop to Summer (ouch lol)
You know… some respect for Gene, okay?!?
This was clearly the show's "Michal Bay on steroids"
Okay, did anyone really think Rick would compromise? LOL And yet, we're left with a classic example of grass not always being greener on the other (daytime side), though fleecing the "day family" of their savings feels like divine justice. Just rinse your dishes!
And yeah, we're with them on the Choco-Taco outrage.