Posted in: Sports, TV, WWE | Tagged: Bautista vs. Trump, dave bautista, donald trump, politics, wrestling, wwe
The Final Word on Donald Trump from Dave Bautista?
A former WWE wrestler and Hollywood megastar has been feuding with fellow WWE Hall-of-Famer President Donald Trump for so long; it's hard to remember a time when this wasn't a daily feature on the front page of Bleeding Cool. But now, with the country voting, we could be witnessing the end to this historic feud. That means it's time to take one last look at Dave Bautista's Twitter timeline and see what we can scrape up.
Dave Bautista opened his Election Day tweets in the early morning, responding to a tweet by Dana Goldberg, which was itself responding to a tweet from Joe Biden. Biden said, "I believe LGBTQ+ rights are human rights — and they are on the ballot tomorrow." Goldberg replied, "I'm a lesbian, and I approve this message." And Bautista responded to that: "Son of a lesbian and I approve the fuck out of this message as well. Excuse my language. My anxiety is through the roof."
And we can all understand why. This is, without a doubt, the most important election of our lifetimes. And that resonates a little bit different for everyone. For some, it's at least partially about LGBTQ rights. For others, it's about hoping that, if Donald Trump is ousted, I'll finally be allowed to leave the basement of Bleeding Cool headquarters, where Kaitlyn Booth has been holding me prisoner under threat of violence and forcing me to write clickbait articles about Dave Bautista's tweets. Everyone has their own reasoning, which is what I'm trying to say. And all of it is valid. [Editor's Note: I put a lot of work into making that basement livable Jude, do you really think I'm going to let that go to waste? I think not.]
Bautista also fired back at President Trump when Trump wrote, "A vote for Sleepy Joe Biden is a vote to give control of government over to Globalists, Communists, Socialists, and Wealthy Liberal Hypocrites who want to silence, censor, cancel, and punish you. Get out and VOTE #MAGA tomorrow!" Bautista's response? "I'll take Sleepy Joe over Creepy Trump any day of the week.Except Sunday when Joe is in church and not just for the photo op!You fraudulent Fascist!Take your tyrannical racist, misogynist ass and start packing!Step into my office Biff!! Cuz you're fucking fired! #BidenHarris2020"
Bautista laid things out clearly in one comprehensive tweet: "What a clown. No information. No substance. No platform. No plan. No rational reassurance. No redeeming qualities. No accountability. No words of wisdom. No patriotism. No decency. No class. Just random catch phrases and lies. And his flock cheers. Person facepalming #VoteBlueToEndTheNightmare"
The election is happening right now.