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The Flash Season 9: Javicia Leslie REALLY Misses Her Batwoman Costume

To say that there are tons of expectations surrounding the ninth season of The CW's Grant Gustin, Candice Patton & Danielle Panabaker-starring The Flash would be a serious understatement. Along with having a limited episode order for its final season, the long-running series also has the burden of the Arrowverse on its shoulders as fans look to the show for some finale season nods to the shared universe. And then we learned last month that Javicia Leslie (Batwoman) was returning to the Arrowverse for the show's final run, though details about Leslie portraying Red Death have not been announced or confirmed, so we wouldn't dare to speculate no matter what set images might show. Now, it looks like Leslie has taken some time out to get a little "homesick" for the days when she patrolled Gotham City with a social media post (since taken down) that we're fairly certain doesn't imply that she will be bringing Ryan Wilder/Batwoman back.

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Image: J. Leslie IG Stories Screencap; The CW

Leslie took to Instagram Stories to let fans know that it's been nearly a year since she last donned the costume and doesn't leave a lot of doubt about whether or not she misses it. Of course, it's quite possible to read into the look she gives at the end of the clip (which doesn't appear to be up anymore) that we're getting a "wink-wink, nudge-nudge" of more to come. Like maybe an active role in Season 9? But who are we to speculate… right? Instead, well pass along these screencaps (and big thanks to the kind souls who forwarded the clip) and let you make the connections:

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Image: J. Leslie IG Stories Screencaps

The Flash Showrunner/EP Eric Wallace: What If Season 8 Was It?

But what if Season 8 was the final season? Showrunner & EP Eric Wallace revealed in previous interviews that the Season 8 finale was first written as a series-ender, with changes needed once the renewal notice came through. Now thanks to the folks over at TVLine, we're learning from Wallace what viewers would've seen if the series ended with eight seasons. While the final face-off between Barry, aka The Flash (Gustin), and Eobard Thawne, aka Reverse-Flash (Tom Cavanagh), was kept even after the Season 9 green light came through ("We were like, 'Oh crap, we just did the ultimate battle. How are we supposed to ever top that?' Then it was like, 'Let's just kill him for now and worry about that later.'"), here's a look at what was in play for the then-assumed series finale:

A "Sexier" & "Romantic" Conversation Between Barry & Iris: "We had to change the whole final scene. We had to rewrite it three different times. Because when it was a series finale, we had to have a much more deep conversation with Barry and Iris, dealing with the fact that they were going to have kids soon. It was a little bit sexier, and it was a lot more romantic of a scene. I really liked it."

Team Flash Would've Gotten Closure: "There would have been an additional scene with all of Team Flash all getting their goodbyes on. But when we found out we had another season to play with, that meant, 'Ooh, I can tease next year's Big Bad? All right, let's do that!' So that final scene [with the blue crystal] changed radically, and then the 'Goodbye to Team Flash' group party scene got deleted entirely."

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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