Posted in: Impact Wrestling, Sports, TV | Tagged: aew, impact, jerry lynn, tony khan, wrestling
Tony Khan Appears on Impact in Person with Jerry Lynn
Following up on the surprise appearance by AEW stars Matt Hardy and Private Party on Impact Wrestling to challenge James Storm and Chris Sabin to a match tonight, AEW President Tony Khan subsequently appeared live(well, taped) and in person in Skyway Studios. Khan, who brought AEW producer and wrestling legend Jerry Lynn with him, claimed to be there to scout the main event match between Private Party and Sabin/Storm in person.
From our Impact Wrestling report, which will be out later tonight after the show, here's how the whole thing went down:
In the latest "paid ad," Tony Schiavone, from a "real production studio," introduces Tony Khan and his special guest, Jerry Lynn. He talks about Matt Hardy and Private Party wrestling on Impact tonight. Then he throws it back to Tony to talk about tomorrow's episode of Dynamite. Back to Khan, he says Hardy is here to pay Impact back for what they've been doing to AEW. Khan says he can't out-carny Impact because he's not a carny, but Matt Hardy is a huge carny and he can do it. Khan then says he and Jerry Lynn are gonna scout the match tonight. The camera pans back to reveal they're in Skyway Studios. He also has a hundred dollar bill so he's gonna pay for two weeks of these ads.
Ever since Don Callis helped Kenny Omega win the AEW Championship from Jon Moxley at AEW Winter is Coming, kicking off a crossover and rivalry between the two companies, Tony Khan and Tony Schiavone have appeared in "paid ads" on each episode of Impact, insulting their competitors and promoting the following night's episode of Dynamite. The first act of the crossover ended at Hard to Kill when Kenny Omega pinned Impact Champion Rech Swann in a six-man tag match, but with Tony Khan himself appearing on Impact (and with only Jerry Lynn to have his back), it looks like the crossover could be just getting started.
And if you've ever read comic books, you know that once you start with the crossovers, like heroin addiction, you just have to keep doing them more and more until you overdose or go to jail. Sorry, our metaphor got a little bleak. The point is, once you start, Tony, it's hard to stop, so we hope you know what you're doing.