Posted in: Comics, Video | Tagged: Batman, Comics, dc
The Seven Year Old Batman Of Arlington
How a city government helped a seven year old kid with leukemia fulfill his dreams. Even if they happen to want to be Batman.
Kye's first mission was to stop a robbery in progress at Worthington National bank in downtown Arlington. With the help of an adult Batman – and his brother and sister sidekicks Robin and Batgirl – Kye apprehended the Joker and returned the bank's money.
After a lunch break – a hero needs to stay fueled up! – the young Batman was back to work, arresting a would-be purse snatcher. Next, he and his team were called to respond to a car bomb placed by the Riddler. Kye got to see the city's bomb robot and bomb squad in action as they removed and safely detonated the pretend bomb.
Police and fire officers of Arlington, Virginia, volunteered their time to help set up the experience with Wish With Wings . His mother dressed up as Batwoman, his brother and sister played Robin and Batgirl and got an award on the steps of City Hall from the mayor for his behaviour.
In other real life superhero news, a self-styled "She Hulk" dragged a man who was flashing his genitalia around, off the train in Boston, holding him down until the police arrived.