Posted in: Comics | Tagged: comic con, Comics, cup o joe, joe quesada, marvel, new york, NYCC
That Cup O' Joe Panel – It Sure Looks Like Iron Man
Joshua Kopin writes for Bleeding Cool;
There were a few things that happened at Marvel's Saturday Cup O' Joe panel, aside from the Respectfully We Informed You bits already reported. The panel began with a film short, starring Marvel's CCO, late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, and some superheroes that Kimmel drew when he was 11. Quesada then entered the room, to much applause and a mic that was too loud. After quickly introducing panelists Jeph Loeb, Axel Alonso, C.B. Cebulski, Steve Wacker (whose picture was very handsome on the slide show), Dan Buckner and Arune Singh (whom everyone should congratulate on his very recent wedding!), Quesada quickly moved into the announcements you've already seen. The new Punisher mini revolves around a soldier who comes home from war to find his family dead, and the Punisher, recognizing the similarities of that poor guy's story and his own origin, has to determine whether he is going to be the ultimate ally or a great foe.
Next, the announced the new Guardians of the Galaxy series– the cover of which includes a character that sure looks like Iron Man, doesn't it? Arno Stark back from the future? Apparently, Bendis and Gillen have been talking. McNiven quickly hopped on stage to talk about it, although he very quickly admitted he couldn't say much, except to mention that he was drawing Starlord the most often. Later, in response to a question, he would say that he has redesigned the character's helmet.
Next, Quesada turned the panel over to Loeb to talk about the new Nova series he's doing with Ed McGuinness. The writer, and head of Marvel's television division, said that it was a very typical Marvel story, about "how an ordinary boy has something extraordinary happen to him."
After the announcement about Marvel Customs teaming up with ESPN the Magazine, Loeb also announced a fully CG animated film starring Hulk and Iron Man, out in April 2013, something left over from the Marvel TV panel that had ended only a little while earlier, about which he said, and this is a direct quote, "It really is a movie." I just wish they would have called it Science Bros.
Quesada, who had made a big point earlier about how the Cup O' Joe panel was his chance to connect with us, opened the floor to questions. Some highlights.
The first question asker called Wolverine a "D-Bag," and said the he "supports Cyclops." The fellow was loudly booed.
After a question about a possible Howard the Duck vs. Donald the Duck book, Quesada said that the two companies are mostly going to stay separate, but that we should watch for an announcement over the next few months. Alonso joked that, if they did do such a book, it would likely be Goofy and Deadpool.
After a question about how far out Marvel plans, Quesada thanked all the people at Marvel whose faces you don't see at conventions, the assistant editors and support people, who make the company tick.
The answer to a question about a series like Nyx or The Runaways was that any fans of those books should check out Young Avengers and Avengers Arena. There are no new plans for a new Runaways series– Dan Buckner said that the company is "waiting for its Fraction Iron Fist pitch."
When asked about why the super soldier serum doesn't cause Steve Rogers' to grow like mad, the panel suggested that he shaves, off-panel, all the time and that he "man-scapes" everywhere. C.B. Cebulski added that if Jason Aaron ever wrote it, you could expect him to be bearded.
Fans of Amadeus Cho can expect to see him back soon, and in a big way.
Finally, in Superior Spider-Man #1, we'll see an all new Sinister Six coming after the all new Spider-Man. Perhaps they'll be joined by the All-New X-Men.