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13 Ways The Fantastic Four Movie Is Based On Ultimate Fantastic Four (SPOILERS)
The Ultimate Fantastic Four, by Brian Michael Bandis, Mark Miller and Adam Kubert launched in 2004, part of Bill Jemas' initiative to relaunch the Marvel Universe for a new generation. Plenty of changes were made. And it is this version that the new movie takes its mojo from rather than the 1961 Fantastic Four of Lee and Kirby.
You can buy the first volume here, though it appears to be almost out of print in the US in paperback. The book is more available in the UK.
There are still plenty of changes, but here are thirteen key aspects which seem to have made it through. ***WARNING*** Naturally this will involve plenty of spoilers. Though not quite as many spoilers as this post…. for a reduced-spoiler review of the movie go here.
Okay, so in Ultimate and Movie, the Fantastic Four are young. Real young. All of them. But they start off even younger. With Reed and Ben as schoolfriends, working on Reed's experiments, though Reed belees he is working on teleportation rather than transdimensional travel.
The home experiment explosions, heard across the neighbourhood (and beyond) and Reed' parents' reactions are all in the film.
As is the school fair where Reed first demonstrates his teleporter, and is recuited. He also uses the line about sub atomic particles.
And uses a toy car and toy planes for teleportation demonstrations.
The Baxter Building is the same old building at the bottom, gleaming modern skyscraper on top, and is a place of scientific research for the teleportation project, which takes the place of the space rocket in the original for exposing the four to the power generating environment.
The project is run by Professor Storm, and his daughter works for him.
Here, Sue is a biotechnologist. In the movie, she is a pattern recognition specialist, but in both cases she is a respected expert in her own right and knows more about a number of scientific aspects than Reed.
Doom also works there and he is part of the experiment that causes their new state of being. In the film's case, he is the one who gets them drunk, and messes with the dimensional planet's ecosystem when they arrive, in the comic, he messes with the numbers.
During the first story at least, no one gets nicknames, no one gets a team name. That is reflected in the film.
Also working there is the Mole Man in his previous form, though in the film he is the exec in charge while in the comic, he is another scientist.
The heavy involvement of the military in the research is a major aspect of the movie, leading to the Fantastic Four and the transdimensional tech being used by the military for their own purposes.
Johnny's first flaming experiences are taken straight from the comic book, even this angle seems familiar, as he writhes in flame, light coming from his mouth.
And he is monitored and helped by his father in a similar way.
There are plenty of changes of course. But these were the ones that most stuck out for me when reading…