Posted in: Comics, Halloween | Tagged: bill jemas, Comics, entertainment, hot topic, night of the living dead, zombie
Hot Topic Bans Bill Jemas' Zombie Comics Over Sex And Drugs References
Last month we learned that the Hot Topic chain was to sell the Double Take line of Ultimate Night of The Living Dead comics, published by Bill Jemas, nationally.
And that was to happen this week. Until Monday, when Double Take shipped the comics currently getting a big write-up in the New York Daily News and Hot Topic started to receive their copies at their distributor centres. And someone realised what was in the comics they'd ordered
So, complaining about nudity and drug use in the comics, Hot Topic cancelled the entire order, nationwide.
I understand that Double Take stated there was no nudity in the books and had discussed minor drug use mention with Hot Topic in previous communications, something Hot Topic denies. And the complaint was amended to sexual references rather than nudity.
Note, however, Hot Topic had no problem with the insane amounts of violence, gore and generally zombieness in the comics. Just the mention of marijuana smoke and that someone would like to go to bed with someone else…
Just in case any other publisher is thinking of getting into bed with Hot Topic. On this basis, Afterife With Archie wouldn't qualify.