Posted in: Comics | Tagged: all new all different marvel, Comics, entertainment, marvel, Secret Wars, spider-man
Who Survives Secret Wars? Secrets Of The All-New All-Different Marvel Universe (MAJOR SPOILERS)
So why survives the Secret Wars, as Marvel launches a number of All-New All-Different Marvel relaunch titles today? Expect spoilers for Amazing Spider-Man #1, Old Man Logan #5, Avengers #0 Doctor Strange #1, Point One #1, Contest of Champions #1 and more…
Okay, so that wasn't a spoiler. We knew that was coming. But a number of those that follow are. So break out the spoiler warnings and tread carefully.
Exactly. That top scene is from the oversized Amazing Spider-Man #1 which sees a very different Peter Parker extending himself in all sorts of ways, but remaining true to himself.
There is one big plot twist in this issue that I am going to completely ignore, in favour of some of the other changes and reveals to talk about.
That's right, folks, we have another Spider-Man to join Miles Morales, the Web Warriors, Spider-Woman, Spider-Man 2099, Silk and Spider-Gwen… as Peter Parker has a different public profile. But one that stays very close to his roots.
Now that "with great power comes great responsibility" is quoted by the courts, it's nice to see it used in a different fashion. But it;s not just lip service to his late Uncle…
There are similarities… so who else apart from Miles Morales survives?
Well we knew Singularity would appear in A-Force, but she makes an appearance in the Captain Marvel strip in Avengers #0 too. Who else?
Okay, I guess we knew that he did. Got his own title and everything. But how about someone we weren't expecting and far more spoilery? Well back to Amazing Spider-Man #1, and there's a real final page spoiler coming…
…recognise the logo? Well, if not, here is this fellow.
If you hadn't been reading Renew Your Vows, he's the big superpower thieving Big Bad tyrant dictator from that Secret Wars series. Somehow he made it across. Who else?
Blimey, they're not messing around here, are they? Ultimate Mister Fantastic is around, even if Mister Fantastic of the 616 (or whatever it's called now) isn't.
Okay, so what other changes are imposed?
Well some folk have been revived, thanks to the dimensional raiding of Contest Of Champions, which seems to suggest a multiverse as well as the return of a certain Netflix star…
…stick is back from the dead. Somehow. We get a new Inhuman…
With age transference powers. And while we may not have a 616 Reed Richards hanging around the place…
…we do have a HERBIE, Agent Of SHIELD.
And the Agents Of SHIELD have a traitor… and you get to find out who. Then of course there's that last page of Iron Man….
Doctor Strange has been de-aged, losing the greying temples and he's turned into both a mystical barhopper and a horndog. Basically… he's John Constantine without the ciggies.
…and a few more robes. He's been totally Cumberbatched.
Vision looks like he will be a lot more cold and callous moving forward…. and there are some new faces.
Captain Marvel gets a big cast, with astrobiologist (yes, that's a thing now) Dr Bell joining the space station team.
The government is tracking down Carnage and need a new monster catcher..
The new Guillotine comes from a long line of Guillotines…
While Spider-Woman gets a new look, and seems to not be taking notice of those Fighting Supervillains While Pregnant Can Severely Harm Your Baby warnings.
While Ms America seems to be channelling Phonogram, saving the universe through music…There are same-sex wedding bells in Amazing Spider-Man, Though strangely they sound just the same as opposite-sex wedding bells.
A nd what about the X-Men? Yes, you thought we'd forgotten about them. Well…
Rogue has been nobbled by the mutant-killing Terrigen mists. But how come this is the only place we even hear of this issue?
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. Where, in conjunction with the Lakes International Comic Art Festival, Orbital is pleased to present French artist Boulet in a special live-draw event with whiskey tasting on October 19th. Book now…