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$10,000 Plus Royalties Per Issue To Draw New Hit Girl Comic For Mark Millar
Mark Millar has a new Hit Girl series written by another writer, from Millarworld. But whoever he was going to get to draw it, has been snapped up by a company exclusive deal.
So, on a work-for-hire-plus-royalties deal, he is looking to pay $10,000 an issue. You just have to be ready to draw eight issues in a year, starting in four weeks time…
I'm not a fellow to beat about the bush. We're going to launch a big Hit-Girl series later in the year and have a spectacular writer, but the artist we had in mind is sadly locked into his contract longer than he thought and I want to get someone equally great.
Instead of messing around emailing people privately I thought I'd just do a big shout out right now to the comic-book community. We're looking for someone truly great for this, someone who can really handle a monthly deadline (we'll be publishing around 8 issues a year, two four issue arcs) and I'd like to get them started around four weeks from now as all the scripts are being readied. Payment is $10,000 dollars an issue for black and white art and a generous royalty package for monthly books and trades.
Either post details here below or contact me privately through one of the mods. We're launching at the end of this year so I'd like to get someone nailed down this week if possible.
Note: This is 4 or 5X Marvel or DC starter rates and twice what most of their artists are getting paid so I'm expecting someone who already has a big body of work and experience. That said, I am always excited at finding new talent. Please post any samples below, but these must be restricted to one sequential page here or they will be deleted so it doesn't take forever to look through them and ask to see more pages from the ones most promising.
Best of luck!
There have been over a hundred replies in the last seven hours, with lots of amateur artists, as well as some pros like PJ Holden, Dave Acosta and Juanan Ramírez. Stan from Russia even had an entire Hitgirl story to share.
Basically anyone liking for artists (and willing to pay them) could do worse than read this thread.
The one who stands out for me most is Noel Rodriguez with his Red Hood & The Outlaws samples…. it would be nice to see some backgrounds, but it's very kinetic, engaging figure work…