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Harley Quinn's Most Tortuous Beaver Joke Yet
I blame Leslie Nielsen. I really do.
But Harley Quinn, who has a stuffed beaver who she talks to (and talks back) has had her fair share of them. And it began here…
…with the predictable…
But this wasn't a one-off. It didn;t even need a sexual connatation.
This became the modern day equivalent of Mrs Slocum's pussy in Are You Being Served.
And so fast and furious they came.
If you can write a beaver gag – then Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner probably did a version of it.
Even if they sometimes got rather unpleasant with the imagery.
Eventually, they didn't even have to mention the word.
That's before they even get to the stuffed cock. Cockerel. Male chicken.
Oh yes, and he's called Mike. Mike Cock.
But in today's Harley Quinn they top themselves with this gag, as Harley Quinn discovers a stache of snow globes.
Jimmy and Amanda… I don't know, you ask them for a double entendre and they are happy to give you one.