Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment
Cincinnati Comic Expo Takes A Stand Against Rip-Off Artists
Comic book creators exhibiting at the 2016 Cincinnati Comic Expo have received the following missive, though I understand other vendors have had similar messages tailored to their accounts.
Artists and Exhibitors in Creator Alley:
We want to remind you that you signed up for a table in Creator Alley at the Expo.
Creator Alley is specifically for artists and creators of original artwork or craftwork to sell to patrons of the Expo. That is why it is "Creator Alley," it is for those that have created original artwork and pieces to sell, display, and exhibit.
Our registration states:
A list of items that may not be sold/raffled or otherwise at Creator Alley Tables:
Comic Books or Prints that the Artist has not contributed to. (If your name is not listed in the credits, you may not sell it)
Commercially available toys
Collectible / Vintage toys
Original Art that is not produced by the Artist at the table. (You may not utilize a Creators' Alley table to sell your collection of convention sketches)
Any other item which has not been hand-made, created, or forged by the artist at the table.
The above also includes taking original artwork by another artist and modifying it or changing features with various computer programs. If the base piece is not original by you or an artist at your table, then it is not allowed. Violators of the above terms will be asked to leave the Expo immediately with all forfeiture of space and passes. You will also be banned from exhibiting at all future Expo events. Again, you are only allowed to sell what you have personally created.
Artists and Exhibitors in Booth Spaces:If you are selling art prints which you do not have the permission to sell or are using a computer program to manipulate the original art you will be asked to leave the Expo immediately with all forfeiture of space and passes. You will also be banned from exhibiting at all future Expo events.
We started these policies on our registration form a couple of Expo events ago but are determined to make sure that all our fans and exhibitors are aware. "
This language targets everyone from Rob Granito to Gingerzap. Will other comic conventions follow suit?