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Harriet Tubman: Demon Slayer – The Title Sells Itself
As a 9 year-old, I was tasked with the assignment of writing a three page book report about the historical figure Harriet Tubman. "BULL F-CKING SH-T!" I exclaimed.
The project was due the following Monday and Mrs. Wawsetowski (bitch) had assign us that Friday as we were walking out of class. I HAD TO SPEND THE WEEKEND READING AND WRITING?!! I was furious. I had epic plans that weekend already. On my to do list was Chris Garay's Space Jam themed birthday party, reading The Death Of Superman and of course, catching up on taped episodes of the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. Instead, I'd spend the weekend trapped in a library. I was allowed to go to Chris's party but had to leave early to start my research on Harriet freaking Tubman.
My father helped me check out two books. I remember seeing Harriet Tubman for first time on the book cover.
"She looks like a ninja" I thought. I spent most of my early years watching Kung Fu films like Once Upon A Time In China, The Legend, and Enter The Dragon. Something about the intensity in Harriet Tubman's eyes reminded me of the heroes in those movies. Then, I read about her… How she escaped slavery and then went back to free over a thousand slaves. I read about her epic raid on Harper's Ferry and her continued active duty during for the Suffragettes.
The next Monday, I turned in my paper. I ended up with a B+ because I didn't indent properly. I moved on with my elementary life.
Twenty years later, I was on vacation and decided to watch Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters while channel surfing. I was excited about at the film at first but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations. So I continued in my quest of channel surfing and bumped into a documentary about Harriet Tubman. I watched it for 10 minutes. Then, during a commercial break, I switched channels and saw that The Legend happened to be on. It was pretty ironic and that reminded me how Harriet Tubman snuck her way onto that ferry to free over 100 slaves in one night. I thought about how disappointed I was in Hansel & Gretel. I combined the three subjects in my head and seconds later I wrote down "Harriet Tubman : Demon Slayer" on my notepad, laughed at it and said "The Title sells itself."