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The Unstoppable Wasp May Be The Most Feminist Activist Comic Marvel Have Published To Date (SPOILERS)
Not Mockingbird. Not A-Force. Not Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur. Not Ms Marvel. And… probably not Shanna The She-Devil.
Today sees the new Marvel character Nadia Pym, the Unstoppable Wasp, leading two comics. The Avengers #3 by Mark Waid and Mike Del Mundo where she is all about making moral superhero decisions and saving the day despite the odds… by thinking.
Like that. And then there's The Unstoppable Wasp #1, when she is dealing with the immigration services over her status as a Russian citizen but the daughter of Hank Pym and seeking residency and citizenship.
Oh and helping fight a big robot smashing its way through the city. Well, it's traditional. And it brings her into contact with other superhero types, such as Bobbi Morse, Mockingbird. Someone Nadia Pym knows all about.
Maybe she's been reading Marvel Wikis.
But it also highlights The List. Ever since the character of Amadeus Cho stated that he was the seventh smartest person in the Marvel world, people have tried to draw up the list.
And it's usually Reed Richards, Hank Pym, Victor Von Doom, Henry McCoy, Bruce Banner and Tony Stark.
And for some reason, they always missed out Valeria Richards. Anyway, now Moon Girl has been put to the very top of that list and everyone has shuffled down one.
Today's Unstoppable Wasp #1 by Jeremy Whitley and Elsa Charretier goes for the jugular.
And so that's the mission of the book. Finding the missing geniuses of the Marvel Universe. Especially the female ones. The ones that S.H.I.E.L.D. have been missing, like Moon Girl.
Of course, if you want to rival SHIELD, you need an acronym, right?
And here's the great thing about a feminist activist comic book from Marvel, featuring the daughter of Hank Pym tracking down the missing female geniuses of the Marvel Universe?
If you don't want to read it, you don't have to.
Isn't that neat?