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Rabbit Nipples Banned From The Newstand, Courtesy Of Heavy Metal Magazine
Heavy Metal Magazine #285 is in comic book stores this week, distributed by Diamond Comic Distributors. That includes the James Jean cover variant above (without Grant Morrison pasties).
However, I understand that particular cover was banned from newsstand distribution. It was submitted, with the others, as a newsstand cover. But all such retailers and wholesalers refused to put it on newsstands.
I asked Jeff Krelitz of Heavy Metal if he expected anything else?
We did not expect it to be rejected as, beyond the fact that the subjects are not human, it is a painting not a photograph. And in the magazine's 40 year history, certainly not the first time an artist's rendering of bare breasts has been on the cover of the magazine.
It's a "Love Special" – which, translated, means it's a month late and was originally intended for Valentine's Day. But maybe you could buy a copy as an Easter present for a loved one? The Easter Bunny, after all, comes but once a year.