Posted in: Movies | Tagged: Battle of Hogwarts, dumbledore, harry potter, jk rowling, Snape
JK Rowling Apologies For Killing Snape On Battle Of Hogwarts Anniversary
May 2nd marks a very somber day for members of the Wizarding World. The Battle of Hogwarts, the final stand between the students of the school, those who opposed He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, and the destruction of the final horcrux.
It's turned into an annual event to have "Harry Potter" series author J.K. Rowling take to her twitter and apologize to fans for a character death. Last year it was Professor Remus Lupin, the year before that it was Fred Weasley. This year's choice is causing a huge polarity rift in the fanbase…..
Snape? Really? As much as the death of Dumbledore (sorry, spoilers) needed to happen to further the story, so too did the death of Severus Snape. No other character in the series has as much love and hate thrown at him, the double double toil and trouble agent for both the side of Voldemort and the side of Dumbledore was both a good and bad guy. A bullied boy who fell in love with a girl, who spent his life trying to protect her even though she turned her back on him after he insulted her in a fit of rage, Snape reminds us all that not every bully started that way.
Needless to say this caused an onslaught of twitter flame wars, name calling and curse throwing, both sides feeling righteous in their belief that Snape was ultimately a good guy and/or a bad guy.
Hop on your broom and fly to Pottermore for more information on the Battle of Hogwarts.
Never forget.