Posted in: Comics, IDW | Tagged: comic review, comics idw, HRL, idw, Kull, kull eternal, kull the conqueror, Lacey reviews, Luca Pizzari, Review, Tom Waltz
Kull Eternal #1 Review: Grab Your Sword And A Machine Gun
I think we all feel a little nostalgia towards a simpler time in comics, when men wore little more than loincloths and oversized weapons, and every woman was a witch bent on seducing and destroying each mortal she came across.
What, no? Just me?
Well, you should read Kull Eternal anyway. Taking inspiration from the movie Kull the Conqueror and the books by Robert E. Howard it was based off of, Kull is the story of a runaway warrior turned king turned modern-day lizard-person killer.
The first thing that jumps out at you is the art by Luca Pizzari. It has a very Conan the Barbarian feel to it — appropriate, given the source material. Yet it manages to stay away from the more top-heavy anatomy issues of the style while still invoking that classic feel. Each page makes you want to grab a sword and start swinging. It translates well even in the modern scenes, marrying the more fantastic elements with things like guns and tactical gear.
The story, written by Tom Waltz, manages to be informative without dragging on. Well-structured flashbacks allow us insight through the eyes of other characters, avoiding pointless reminiscing by Kull. The dialogue manages to feel mystical and grand without being cheesy; Kull isn't going around in the 21st century talking like a Shakespearean man.
The first issue ends not so much with a cliffhanger, but the promise of an exciting beginning. I look forward to adding it to my pull list.
Kull Eternal comes out June 28th, priced at $3.99 through IDW.