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In Today's Batman #26, The Riddler Gets A New Chest Symbol As Gotham Gets Its Own Civil War
Superheroes and supervillains love a chest symbol. Whether that's the first letter of your name, like Superman or Galactus, alliterative initials such as Marvelman or Wonder Woman, or some icon that sums you up such as a bat, a flash of lightning, or a flash of cleavage.
Well, in today's Batman #26, the second issue of the War Of Jokes And Riddles by Tom King, Mikel Janin and June Chung, the Riddler, who has spent a lifetime not knowing exactly where to put his question mark, finally decides on a spot, after being gutshot by the Joker in Batman #25… and somehow surviving.
Though it appears a slightly messier job than the Riddler may have liked.
While the Joker takes a trip in a taxi and leaves a special tip.
Well, the taxi driver did make jokes about Dick Sprang, born in 1915, drew Batman comics for decades, designed the Batmobile and who originally co-created the Riddler.
Hey look, we did that preview of Batman #26 backwards! And, yes, as everyone else has heroes fighting heroes, this comic has villains fighting villains in their own Civil War. Which side are you on? The recruiting begins…
And Joker brings his game face….
There is a riddle in there isn't? Damned if I can read it. Joker… well, he's hard to read…