Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Hello Games, No Man's Sky, Sean Murray
The Next Update For 'No Man's Sky' Revealed On Reddit
The last time we heard anything from No Man's Sky was back in June when it appeared they were trolling their own fans with cassette tapes. (Which according to the Reddit feed, was never finished.) Now Reddit has a new surprise for fans of the widely panned game: A message from creator Sean Murray about the next update.
You can go check out the full message here if you feel like reading babbling text with little info, but basically what it comes down to is that Murray teases some sort of parallel dimension stuff, and the new 1.3 update for the game which they're calling "Atlas Rises." Which boils down to faster travel times and some updates to the story, which is sorely needed considering there's barely a story there to begin with and after all this time it still seems to be missing an ending as of April.
Honestly, I don't think there's much that can be done to resurrect the game beyond the hardcore fanbase that has stuck with it this long. Too many people were disappointed by the product and nothing was done to appease them when the game was hot. Updates at this point just feel like mild doses of expansion with no real issues being addressed. And if you don't think the game has issues, please, go ask Niel Degrasse Tyson what he thinks of solar systems that have no sun.