Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: HRL, preacher, tv
One Million Moms Calls For Boycott Of Verizon Over Preacher Ads
Last week, the activist group One Million Moms targeted the manufacturers of Febreze for daring to run ads during AMC's Preacher. This week, after having no luck, they have switched to Verizon — for not even having advertised during the most recent episode, but for advertising during the show at any time. Maybe in the previous season, when One Million Moms managed to miss entirely that the show was even airing.
Here is a sample letter that they are asking their members to send to Verizon:
As a parent and a member of, I am greatly disappointed in Verizon's decision to sponsor "Preacher" on AMC. The network describes the show as gory good fun. For starters, you can be assured with a TV-MA rating, it is not appropriate for television. The series "Preacher" is also promoting bigotry and animosity toward people of faith.
The content of this unbelievably dark program includes drug use, soft porn, violence, nudity, casual sex, and murder.
The sacrilegious program "Preacher" also mocks Christianity and ridicules people of faith. The program blasphemes Jesus in a recent episode with the Son of God depicted as a lying sex pervert. The episode "Dirty Little Secret" opens with an extremely graphic Jesus sex scene and closes with an inbred Messiah descendant.
In the episode "Dirty Little Secret," the show went too far. Your company did not necessarily sponsor this particular episode, but will you commit to no longer supporting the show "Preacher" with advertising dollars?
I certainly hope your company's financial support of this type of television programming through advertising is simply an oversight. As a consumer, I am asking you to please pull your sponsorship before next week's episode. My decision to support your company depends on it.
Please let me know that you have ordered your advertising off "Preacher."
I look forward to hearing from you regarding my concern.