Posted in: Comics, Review | Tagged: brian michael bendis, Comics, cory petit, daredevil, david marquez, deadpool, elektra, HRL, iron fist, Jessica Jones, Justin Ponsor, luke cage, Paul Mounts, punisher, Review, the defenders
Defenders #7 Review: Fun, Whip-Smart, And Gorgeous High Action
Defenders #7 from Marvel Comics by Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez, Justin Ponsor, Paul Mounts, and Cory Petit, continues the run on the street-level gang of New York heroes. They struggle against the rising gang war for New York as hands left and right fight to fill the void left by the Kingpin.
The book continues to be one of Marvel's best titles, so I have to admit, it's one I'm most concerned about with Bendis's impending departure to DC — just how will this series continue, and can it match the current level the book has? Well, for now, our main concern should be this issue itself.
Thankfully it is still a superb issue in this cracking series. Even adding pages for an admittedly fun joke as Deadpool is drawn into the proceedings, and we learn that Bendis actually writes a damn good Deadpool. Irreverent, funny and anarchic, his Deadpool is perhaps the perfect fit for Bendis's dialogue stylings.
But humour and whip-smart dialogue banter is not the only thing on offer here. It also contains one of simply the most gorgeous action sequences I've seen in a comic in a long, long time, and not hampered or hidden by unnecessary dialogue. While the dialogue is sparse, the action is not and Marquez excels himself in his panel work here. In fact, I'd argue the action scene here is better than any in the actual Iron Fist show, as for one you can see it all clearly and with a reverence for forms and style.
Ponsor and Mounts's colour work aids this admirably, with nice use of colour overlays to keep the panels fresh and not blending together and helping create a sense of moment by moment progression.
One thing about Marquez's work here is that in some scenes his lines are less clean and take on edgier look, but when it occurs it fits in with the scenario, such as a criminal takeover or a night time rooftop interrogation. It shows a flexibility of style that works with the Defenders.
Defenders #7 continues the series' fantastic run from a creative team working hard to make the best, most consistent comic they possibly can.