Posted in: CW, Review, Review, Trailer, TV | Tagged: all about eve, arrow, arrowverse, batwoman, black lightning, bleeding cool, cable, comic books, Comics, crisis, cw, dc, dc comics, Episode 17, jon cryer, Legends of Tomorrow, lex luthor, lois lane, melissa benoist, red daughter, Review, season 4, streaming, supergirl, superman, television, The Flash, tv
'Supergirl' Season 4, Episode 17 "All About Eve" Shows the Strength in Admitting Our Weaknesses [SPOILER REVIEW]
The CW's Supergirl is back with another great episode this week, and as the title "All About Eve" would suggest, we have a big focus on our favorite double agent, Eve Teschmacher (Andrea Brooks). Eve's been up to some dirty business behind the scenes, and while we don't see any of Lex Luthor (Jon Cryer) in this episode, his presence and string pulling is felt in every moment.
But mostly what we get is a, dare I say, unique take on super heroism, in which three of our main heroes have to admit weakness and being overwhelmed by their circumstances. On top of that we have some amazing plot turns, as the Red Daughter is finally unleashed and we start to understand the beginnings of Lex's has plans for her. Suffice it to say, there's some spoilers ahead, folks, so don't be reading unless you have already watched or want some major plot points revealed.
The main plot line follows Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) trying to track Lex down. After appearing at the DEO with a peace offering of donuts, she offers her services to the embattled agency, and Alex (Chyler Leigh) and Col Hayley (April Parker Jones) waringly accept. In the immortal words of Homer Simpson, "Donuts– is there anything they can't do?" They believe Eve might be the key to finding Lex, so they approach Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath), with whose help they're able to track down what Miss Teschmacher has been up to. First among these is they find Eve's favorite cousin Bitsie (yes, Bitsie!), who they track down in the suburbs, and figure out has been miraculously cured from cancer. She's also now super strong, and even when threatening Supergirl with a kitchen knife, our trinity remain strong, and deescalate the situation, getting her to give up the location of a secret lab where Eve has been running some experiments.
They believe Eve might be the key to finding Lex, so they approach Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath), with whose help they're able to track down what Miss Teschmacher has been up to. First among these is they find Eve's favorite cousin Bitsie (yes, Bitsie!), who they track down in the suburbs, and figure out has been miraculously cured from cancer. She's also now super strong, and even when threatening Supergirl with a kitchen knife, our trinity remain strong, and deescalate the situation, getting her to give up the location of a secret lab where Eve has been running some experiments.
Upon finding the lab, they also find the remnants of some Harun-El experimentation, and also a reconstituted Metallo program, which they've used to reanimate Otis. It's at this key moment where the crux of the episode happens, where Supergirl instinctively freaks out that Lena has been lying to her about the Harun-El and they fight–not with fists but with words, and… Supergirl admits her own weakness.
She admits she's defensive about use of Kryptonian technology like this, partially because with Superman off-planet she feels the weight of the world on her shoulders, and even more so now that Lex has escaped and has given himself powers using the Harun-El . This is the moral center of this episode, as nowhere else in the Arrowverse would any other lead character ever make such an admission. Can you imagine Oliver Queen or Barry Allen even letting on to feeling the strain of carrying their emotional burdens, and then using that to propel themselves into self-discovery that they are being unfair to their allies and friends? It's what makes Supergirl, well, Supergirl and so much more refreshing.
In the spectacular third act, the team heads to Washington, DC, based on clues that Lex has been working with Ben Lockwood (Sam Witwer) who is busy pushing his anti-alien amnesty act through Congress and generally basking in the limelight of being a political bigshot. He even starts taking his son around with him to meetings with senators!
But the bill signing is a giant setup, as Eve tricks Supergirl into a trap where she is trapped using kryptonite bonds and forced to watch helplessly as her Kasnian doppelganger attacks the White House. She is merciless, and before leaving looks right at Ben Lockwood and tells him to be afraid of her, be very afraid. The government, of course, responds by making Supergirl "Public Enemy Number 1." Oh, and PS– any similarities between this and our reality with foreign governments interfering in our politics to make us hate each other more. . . purely coincidental, amirite?
Meanwhile, other characters are going through very similar journeys. Jimmy (Mehcad Brooks) is released from the hospital with a clean bill of health, but his sister Kelly (Azie Tesfai ) is worried about his mental state. He brushes it off, since this isn't the first time someone has tried to kill him, but we can tell he is suffering psychologically. So can Kelly. When he starts breaking down during Red Daughter's attack on the White House, he admits he was wrong and does need professional help to help himself through the trauma. Amazing! Heroes admitting they aren't invulnerable– and that they were wrong.
Meanwhile J'onn J'onzz (David Harewood) is going through a very similar trial of his own. He uses the Staff of H'ronmeer to summon a vision of his own father to help guide him in trying to both be a man of peace and walk the path that his father laid out for him, and balance that with being the Martian Manhunter. There are some very funny and satisfying scenes, and it's good to see Carl Lumbly back again as the elder Martian as he always brings a fish-out-of-water comedic touch to whatever episode he's in. Ultimately J'onn has to find his own path, and we see him speeding away on a Martian spaceship to find answers. But these interactions are full of vulnerability, which really fits in the theme of this episode.
Speaking of reaching out for help, the episode ends with Lena confronting her mother in prison, showing her the plans that Lex knows exactly where she is. She gives her a very clear choice: do you choose me who wants to protect you or the psychopath son who wants to murder you?
That's a pretty big tease for our next episode, which we can only guess will include a Luthor family showdown and Supergirl as an enemy of the state being hunted by Agent Liberty? Wowza. And yes please. We get a few weeks off, but our next episode of Supergirl, "Crime and Punishment" airs April 21 on the CW.