Rich Johnston Archives

Swipe File: Judge Dredd And Akira
Chris Weston's cover to Judge Dredd Magazine and the poster to Akira. But why this inspiration? 2000AD Covers asks Chris Weston; "I think most people know
This Is… Ultron War
Okay, I said I'd wait till the seond teaser, but I didn't expect them both on the same day. It has been teased by Bendis for years, and we saw it coming
Heroes Con Gets Jesse Jamesed
      Jesse James went to Heroes Con in Charlotte, North Carolina. They even let him in! Dear Bleeding Cool, This week I attended Heroes Con in Charlotte
Don't Lose Your Head Over Afflicted
That's all a little bit Duncan Fegredo-ish isn't it? With a little but of John Mcrea surface detail... Turns out it's Jose Holder, who recently drew the