Rich Johnston Archives

Dynamite To Publish The Shadow
Dynamite Entertainment has signed a comprehensive licensing agreement with Conde Nast to publish comic books based on The Shadow, originally appearing in
The New Story Pages In We3 Hardcover
Today, DC/Vertigo publish the We3 hardcover by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. And, in order to justify the hardcover price, they have added ten new
The Return To The X-Men, Blue And Gold
The X-Men Regenesis teasers being issued by Marvel Comics seem to be falling into two camps. Those with Blue logos and those with yellow. Each colour seem
Our Love Is Real Moves To Image Comics
Bleeding Cool was very happy to help raise the profile of Our Love Is Real just before publication. So, it's not exactly parental pride, but possible the
Kieron Gillen Off Generation Hope
Well basically, that was the reason I was buying the book, though I was enjoying Salva Espin and recently Jamie McKelvie's work on the book too. But, you